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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. elfenix


    uh yes you put those in there how is this even a question?
  2. Did you and I watch the same NATO summit presser? Yeah he flubbed a name, he does that, but answered everything else including answering multi part questions
  3. Jaydin. https://youtu.be/44Os7PeQ-q8?si=yHrDnVlVDXP-6x3X
  4. America's Leanest Bacon? What the fuck?
  5. Honey bee ham and deli, Woodlands
  6. fucking sparky "just so you all know, the sun is going down in the northwest and it is extremely comfortable right now"
  7. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/07/19/alberto-gonzales-interview-trump-00167350
  8. They thought it was a splendid idea
  9. Fwiw, if you link to a tweet it embeds a tweet. If you link to a profile it embeds their entire Twitter timeline. So, it worked as intended, though not by you.
  10. Yep. They actually run on a VAX having upgraded from a PDP-11 back in 2016 or so.
  11. Where's the wreck? On the other side of the freeway? Fuck you
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