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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. was it legitimate rape? because a woman's body has a way of shutting that down
  2. pretty sure forgetting to breathe is responsible for her condition
  3. Wonder if the other thread was bumped
  4. Texas just hands money to anti-abortion groups with little oversight: https://www.texastribune.org/2024/07/09/texas-crisis-pregnancy-centers-abortion/
  5. Nsiap: https://www.khou.com/article/news/investigations/centerpoint-tree-maintenance/285-1cab4152-cb85-4de4-a1e2-ad7ab8ef978f
  6. Key take away is not that he answered questions in detail, but that he flubbed names. Including AP headline writers. Good job, liberal media. https://apnews.com/article/biden-news-conference-reelection-age-0d9f4936484ff71295e2b088e5c525dd
  7. Thermostat is back online I have power!
  8. Peoples' feels about the economy have nothing to do with stats and often have nothing to do with how well they're doing personally. So, yeah, the vomiting stats doesn't matter or help.
  9. "filling out his score card before he hits the ball"
  10. Dunno how you're going to limit rent increases to 5% but I'm going to guess that if it works that will also be the floor.
  11. I switched to login with the googles because fuck using 2fa on an account that isn't my financial info and doesn't use any of the passwords for my financial info
  12. Guessing important people have more important shit to do than get on cspan Though I'm about to shoot myself listening to cspan callers while we're waiting holy shit
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