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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. Always a target rich environment during Monday prime time at HEB
  2. I'm not crying you're crying
  3. she could just send RFK jr some nudes and he'd do whatever she wants, apparently
  4. i should add to this that i used the texas forever milk from HEB in the glass jars instead of the usual organic whole CM brand. sampling the milk afterward it seemed noticeably creamier than the CM whole.
  5. The only solution Republicans ever offer is tax cuts. Economy doing too well? Tax cuts. Economy doing poorly? Tax cuts. That non-flip happened during the GWB admin. When your primary constituency is billionaires who want to be able to poison people without liability and also not have to pay for the social structure that prevents their heads from being cut off that's all your party has to offer.
  6. i heard ted say thank you for that question just now and decided that was enough of his smarmy face for tonight
  7. Missed damn near the whole first game of the final four buying tickets through StubHub last year. Even after I called CS and they were sending me tickets those took 30 minutes to arrive.
  8. nice salet pic
  9. army and navy playing in back to back weeks with the championship game being the first will be amazing.
  10. bad time to decide to suck
  11. disaster power cats
  12. Tigahs win
  13. Damnit spoiler that shit
  14. Gilbert just broke up Weeks's interception
  15. (confession: i've been saying power 2 all day, as in, a power 2 conference school like misery should not be scheduling a AA school like umass or it should count as a loss)
  16. we'll be tired of carrying this conference
  17. hate how y'all are in the future and shit
  18. elbow was down
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