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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. Is he still hurt?
  2. Fucking terrible
  3. Wide right natty light
  4. God damnit
  5. The SEC championship is going to be for who the real UT is. Hint: it's Texas Also, if you're a power 2 conference member and you schedule UMass that should just be a loss. Doesn't matter what the actual score is. Doesn't matter that you blow them out 77 to nothing. That should be a fucking loss.
  6. Soon
  7. it is glue month after all
  8. People are afraid to merge on freeways in Los Angeles. This is the first thing I hear when I come back to the city. Blair picks me up from LAX and mutters this under her breath as her car drives up the onramp. “People are afraid to merge on freeways in Los Angeles.” Though that sentence shouldn’t bother me, it stays in my mind for an uncomfortably long time. Nothing else seems to matter. Not the fact that I’m eighteen and it’s December and the ride on the plane had been rough and the couple from Santa Barbara, who were sitting across from me in first class, had gotten pretty drunk. . Not the mud that had splattered off the legs of my jeans, which felt kind of cold and loose, earlier that day at an airport in New Hampshire. Not the stain on the arm of the wrinkled, dam shirt I wear, a shirt which had looked fresh and clean this morning. Not the tear on the neck of my gray argyle vest, which seems vaguely more eastern than before, especially next to Blair's clean tight jeans and her pale blue T-shirt. All of this seems irrelevant next to that one sentence. It seems easier to hear that people are afraid to merge rather than "I'm pretty sure Muriel is anorexic" or the singer on the radio crying out about magnetic waves. Nothing else seems to matter to me but those ten words. Not the warm winds, which seem to propel the car down the empty asphalt freeway, or the faded smell of marijuana which still faintly permeates Blair’s car. All it comes down to is that I’m a boy coming home for a month and meeting someone whom I haven’t seen for four months and people are afraid to merge.
  9. apparently eating iguanas in south florida during that time
  10. it's 9:36 am in god's own timezone and ou still sucks FIGHT!
  11. https://www.axios.com/2024/10/10/cpi-report-september-inflation-economy
  12. real g's have a fresco guy
  13. Not now it isn't
  14. elfenix

    Media Bias

    "all you know to do is attack" says poster, while calling those he disagrees with "morons," and "commies," and questioning their parentage
  15. stupid stripper strives for sweet socialism for septuagenarian society
  16. elfenix

    Media Bias

    no one could have predicted questions on *checks notes* the economy, immigration, prices, january 6, ukraine, israel, and abortion.
  17. forty acres of glory under the sun drenched sky came 22 burnt orange warriors knowing their cause was true over their opponent, victorious! under the sun drenched sky
  18. i came across a federal district court case which had a lot of things to say about restrictive covenants following termination. read the couple headnotes and the few paragraphs that were on point for what i needed it for, and marked it down for further reading. got back to it a day or so later and started from the top. it was a starr opinion and it lead off with him sharing that an atheist had told him a few years ago that christians were the most persecuted people in america. that he didn't quite understand back then but now he knows. said anecdote is probably as truthful as the opposing school's fan who needs directions to kyle field, but that's not where it ended. plaintiff had gotten canned because he wouldn't vaccinate. said that he had a strong religious belief that god made him and that he should not alter what god created. fair enough, but there's 0 discussion of how vaccines actually work, and that they do not work by altering your immune system, but by training your immune system. it's not altering what god created to practice free throws before a basketball game, and it's not altering what god created to train your immune system either. so, sure, your religious belief might say no alterations, so no hip replacement or tattoos or bionic implants. but it doesn't say anything about training. this is someone of middling to low intelligence and for some reason we have to tolerate his complete mal-informed opinion on how stuff works instead of how stuff actually works.
  19. is there going to be an IV station at the tailgate?
  20. fuck you sooners fuck you sooners fuck you sooners fuck you sooner cunts
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