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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by elfenix

  1. Apparently the old Luling buccees burned down a couple days ago. I assume my curses had something to do with it.
  2. yes, but someone back then figured that maybe tobacco companies shouldn't be intentionally poisoning people and so here we are today.
  3. The old one in Luling did not have enough pumps. Line would be 4 deep and still assholes would go inside to get a 77 oz Pepsi, beaver nugs, jerky, and take a shit, then pump their gas. Complained to the cashier about it, after parking my car in the lot following filling my tank.
  4. I went and watched a good chunk of the Howard stern interview from just under 2 months ago and feel like I'm taking crazy pills reading the last few pages of this thread. I know we've all got a recency bias but there's no way he's declined that much in the last 7 weeks. I'm inclined to think the performance was down to some combination of cold meds, too much debate prep, and the thing being at 9 pm Eastern.
  5. this guy's whole thing is to riff on shit not before the court to signal to all the other assholes on leonard leo's payroll to start bringing lawsuits.
  6. i dunno but i drove past a new 5 series today and holy fuck is it ugly from the back and sides.
  7. biden doesn't have the margin to play with that st. ronald did.
  8. https://www.newsweek.com/what-mass-deportation-trump-look-like-1916649
  9. No no, it's that he can announce in the SOTU he's going to murder Ginny Thomas, and when he later runs over Ginny Thomas in a crosswalk, he can claim his foot slipped off the brake and he totally didn't intend to run her over, and his statement in SOTU would be inadmissible to prove that he intended to kill her
  10. John Roberts and a lot of the other Republican party apparatchik think Nixon did no wrong and have set out to fix anything standing in the way of his successor.
  11. Are you saying I'm toxic?
  12. My dude "personal responsibility" is just code for "government largesse should only flow to people with wealth and poors, not the wealthy, are to be policed." Partly this comes from the Kochs deciding to burn down government because they thought their own internal controls should have been the only punishment for benzene releases from their refinery (for which they were not personally responsible - their corporation was), and partly this is a further extension of Lee Atwater's quote.
  13. Personal responsibility is for poors
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