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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by elfenix

  1. announcers talking about NFL playoff "seeds."  the NFL playoffs are not seeded.  the NFL playoffs are determined by record and a few tie breakers that largely involve record.  there is no seeding process.  seeding is when a committee sits around and picks who plays who based on eye tests and formulas because there's not enough matches or games between the contenders to use something like records, head to head, net points scored, etc.  it's used for tennis tournaments and the NCAA tournament. 

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  2. since this year's batch was probably the best i've made i'm going to put some notes for next year.

    i use alton brown's ratios (12 yolks, #1 sugar, pint and a half each whole milk and heavy cream, 1 cup each jamaican rum, bib evan williams, and cognac), with josh weissman's spice mix (tablespoon vanilla, 2 tsp cinnamon, heaping 1/2 teaspoon clove, 3+ tbsp ginger powder, 1 tbsp nutmeg). 

    i slowly added the sugar into the yolks which made for a very thick mixture, very stiff ribbons.  i whipped the cream a bit, not all the way to whipped cream but enough i could tell some air was getting into it.  think i dumped the eggs into the cream.  then blended hard with the hand mixer, added booze and spices, and into the jars. 

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  3. 1 hour ago, Voldemort86 said:

    Not sure where else to ask this,  but I’d really like for Biden to catch up to Trump on judge appointments.  How are we doing on that front?  I wish we could end the blue slip policy or whatever. It’s holding up a bunch of nominations.

    biden is at 170 through the end of the year.  trump finished with 245.  obama, bush, and clinton had 334, 340, and 387, respectively.  elder bush had 197 and carter 262. carter was helped along by a 30% expansion in the number of district and appellate judges in 1978, and there were 72 positions added in 1990 (not sure how many the elder bush appointed).  

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  4. iirc there wasn't a whole lot to it, mostly cheese and squash, but i wasn't in the truck when sjj was putting it together for the houston charity events. 

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