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Bevo Num1

Certifiably Surly
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About Bevo Num1

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  1. Musk would use him as a shield.
  2. We are going to win
  3. How many US citizens have committed violent crimes?
  4. Lincoln Riley?
  5. Charlie Strong said social media was the downfall of society and he was right. That was the vector used by foreign government interference that influenced our society. Once Grandma got on Facebook, we were done.
  6. Nvm, it finally connected.
  7. Anyone else having issues with SEC+ on the ESPN app?
  8. This. People who think DOGE was/is a good idea have no clue how our economy works. 70% of our GDP is consumption, people buying goods and services. You start laying off tens of thousands of people from the country's largest employer, cutting their entitlement benefits, etc. that GDP will take a massive fucking hit. The COVID economic shocks don't have shit on what we are about to see.
  9. Reading the URL alone made me believe she allegedly fucked a student and 17 cops.
  10. When Jenny McCarthy started spouting bullshit about vaccines causing autism. She wasn't the first, but was certainly a person with enough influence to get people questioning vaccines.
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