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Bevo Num1

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bevo Num1

  1. I'm about to be the same way in a minute. I'm not enjoying this game so far.
  2. https://www.goodbullhunting.com/2016/12/9/13848480/aggie-flashback-the-listeater-saga-dec-9-2004-texas-a-m-tennessee-fran-donuts-cotton-bowl Copying from my phone, but hopefully someone can cut and paste the text.
  3. I see Matt Foley every time I see a picture of Listeater.
  4. I was unfairly critical of Card during the game not realizing he was playing hurt. Dude protected the ball and did what he could.
  5. Face would still look the same afterwards.
  6. I believe "herp and derp" is the correct nomenclature.
  7. We should suit up one of the women's soccer players to kick field goals.
  8. Fucking card. We needed 15 yards not 2.
  9. Should've punched him in the fucking face.
  10. Fuck both of these teams. I wish they could both lose.
  11. Sweet Jesus this rain is needed
  12. Twice last year. What building is yours?
  13. Congrats, Vic. What size ring, 235 45R20?
  14. Well the shit finally hit my household. Had a throat tingle for much of Tuesday, took 2 rapids both negative. Woke up Wednesday feeling a little worse and dry cough, took another rapid with a negative result, so I went to get a PCR. Woke up Thursday feeling like complete shit. Body aches, coughing headache, loss of taste and smell, but no fever. Took another rapid and positive along with the positive PCR. 1 year old was off this morning so we got her tested and she was positive. My wife has most of the symptoms rapid tested negative, but we are awaiting her PCR results. fuck COVID in the goat ass.
  15. The sky busted a Peter North sized load all over us.
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