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Posts posted by Party_Taco

  1. Former WH official, on D'Souza pardon, says he doesn't think Trump is playing "the sort of three-dimensional chess people ascribe to decisions like this. More often than not he's just eating the pieces."


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  2. You don't think if he slams the door on Kush right now before all the pieces are in place that Trump wouldn't immediately move to dismantle the investigation? One should not jeopardize a complex investigation to scoop up mid level fish. Kush will get his in good time, but you better be ready to shoot all the bullets when that happens, otherwise Team Trump will go into overdrive protection mode and make things very difficult. 

  3. In the midst of my 4th full run on the show, and now that I'm living in Baltimore it has more impact that ever. Seeing scenes shot in my neighborhood, and knowing that many others were just blocks away, creates a strange contrast from the interior of my loft apartment. 

    This is a city of striking contrasts, and I love that the show was incredibly successful at painting a true portrait of Baltimore. 

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  4. 8 minutes ago, atomheartbevo said:

    McConnell is scared of something. 

    Perhaps the staggering amount of money funneled to the RNC via the NRA that has Russian fingerprints all over it? Naw, I'm sure that's not a problem... after all, it's TOTALLY legal, so why would anyone have an issue with a foreign actor influencing our elections?

  5. Ho Lee Fuk - I honestly can't wait to hear those tapes, though I'm sure much of them will be supressed, what DOES make it to the courtroom is gonna be juicy!

    First post on the new board... glad I got to jump on this speeding shittrain.

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