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Everything posted by Party_Taco

  1. This is why we are so dangerous… so many guys who can step up on any given night.
  2. These commercial rules are horrific… absolutely ruins the pace of the game.
  3. Where is everyone?? Feels like a ghost town in here…
  4. We have GOT to take advantage… they can’t hit shit. Aww the boot?! FUCK
  5. Lol at the bumper highlighting three players sucking wind tonight… Feed DD!
  6. It just showed up with a banner above Top Picks, and it was also the first channel available under that section. Best part is that you can easily switch audio streams, focus on a single game, then use the back button to return to multi stream. Makes my 65” beg for an upgrade, but I digress…
  7. I got the YoutubeTV hookup… this shit is glorious!
  8. Sold off my biggest position today… seemed like a good time as I really have no idea what to expect the next couple years, so I might as well have that money in more stable locations.
  9. Houston should be getting run… If they don’t get embarrassed in the next round, it’s likely happening shortly thereafter
  10. She def gives off squirter vibes…
  11. That one PSU cheerleader that looks like a doll gets my lion roaring…
  12. Hilarious that everyone that comes to visit us now asks to go since they’re in the neighborhood… they all come away disappointed.
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