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Everything posted by Party_Taco

  1. Got damn… like it’s 2008
  2. Slugs seem preferable in this case
  3. I’m sorry, the 5th time in a week? I’d have a bubba with an AR hanging out after the FIRST time. Fuck this dude, but at this point measures need to be taken by ownership… serious measures.
  4. Happy to report that my Bowman experiment is on track to be a roaring success… gonna give this another week, but I’m certainly enamored!
  5. Hope you enjoy your break - What industry if I might ask?
  6. Funny enough, I was cruising my top shelf tonight and also ended up with ER. Always a choice you can feel good about. Anyway, I went a bit rouge today after stumbling into a small shop in the middle of nowhere that had a TON of solid bottles at MSRP. If I was hoarding I would have walked with a few cases, but alas I spotted this at $129 (easily the lowest I’ve seen her) and ignored everything else. I couldn’t recall what the prevailing opinion was in the room, but I’m eager to try it regardless.
  7. Interesting - They certainly avoid that kind of talk at the distillery
  8. Quite - You should come here and see for yourself! (Hint: Most of it isn’t like the shows) Simon nails the crooked cops and politicians though… that shit is on lock.
  9. Last trip to the distillery they were VERY adamant that they’d been using their own juice for years, and that any BT that made it into their mashbill in the past was purely due to forced allocation. Which is to say that, when they sourced, they were all over the Sazerac line, depending on availability coming from HQ. It was clear to me they had a good sized operation in Fredericksburg, but I’m still somewhat dubious of their 100% in-house claim.
  10. Got damn, son… impressive lot there! Is this Chicago suburbs? Outrageous collection of vehicles out that way…
  11. When on the water, grill it all…
  12. Except that Bowman isn’t BT, at least anymore.
  13. I mean, the fuck up of leaving pre-orders on was pretty massive in that it set everything to come in motion. The fact that to-go’s, despite Carm’s resistance, were implemented at her behest was bad enough, but then to quit after she fucked everyone else’s day?! We’re comparing relative disasters here, but to me her actions are way more unforgivable, especially given her training. Dude on the donuts fucked up no doubt, but even if he whiffed on cakes for the day the business would have gone on. Her mistakes doomed them all…
  14. Tilefish with a basil/tomato/garlic sauce topped with peppers, perm and mushroom bacon. Super simple recipe from Legal Seafood that is packed with flavor, but add garlic cause how tf do you have a tomato-basil sauce without it?! Soft shells were gonna be an app but had some surprise preggos, so dinner instead… Forgot the plating with summer corn because wine.
  15. At this point it’s part of what keeps things interesting. Several nights a week I’ll drive down that road…
  16. How about this - I’ll keep the last of the HH6 that I have and we can share it when I get to Texas, promptly forget about it and move on the better juice…
  17. Country salad and potatoes with merguez and a side of okra (not French) Moving on to this morning’s meal… Leftover scalloped potatoes cooked in bacon fat with, bacon obviously, and some eggs. The cursory “fruit” portion rounds things out.
  18. Was just sipping last night and I agree - Rock solid
  19. Finally had a chance to churn through this today and it was nearly everything I was looking for going in. Those who watched with me were stressed the fuck out, but I’ve spent plenty of time in restaurants and was purely captured by the performances. Great acting all around, but damn if Chicago isn’t one of the stars… big fan of any media where the setting is allowed to shine. Anyway, nearly everything I came to add was already addressed, but I’m fully in for S2. When and if The Bear blows up, that’s going to come with a whole ‘nother level of expectations and drama for the staff.
  20. That Mac is certainly [emoji91]
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