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Posts posted by Party_Taco

  1. You weren't alone, Larry!  He's a Republican, too.

    There are certain aspects to our governor that I do not approve of, but he has always been opposed to Trump’s Idiocy.

    Hell, he was considering a primary run as late as last year, but the GOP shut it down.
  2. Played a cash game on the Pokerrrr2 app. We're seven handed. Blinds are 25/50 (which equates to $0.50/$1.00). 
    Four players at the table, including the villain in this hand, are completely unknown to me. I have everyone covered.
    On hand no. 11, the player to my left had just entered and she paid the SB and BB. The effective stack is 3,798, I'm UTG +1 and the villain is in the BB.
    I open with A-A and raise to 150. Button calls, SB calls, and the BB calls. Pot is 675.
    Flop is 4 of spades, 7 of hearts, 8 of diamonds. SB and BB check and I bet 350 into the 675 pot. Fold, fold, but the BB-villain check-raises me to 1,050 total.
    I had played two previous hands with him. On the hand immediately before, I three-bet him preflop and he folded to a flop c-bet, and a few hands before he was the preflop raiser but folded on the flop to my bet in position.  In my mind he's repping a straight or a set, but given the two previous hands I think he might be on tilt. He also has 9-10 and 6-9 as bluffs. I call.
    Turn is A of spades, so I now have top set. Villain bets 1,387 into a 2,775 pot and I call. The pot is now 5,549 and the villain only has 1,211 left. I'm expecting him to shove all rivers. 
    River is the K of spades, so no full house but a backdoor flush got there. The villain checks!
    That really threw me off. Anyway, I convince myself he flopped a straight and is scared of the flush so I check. He had 8-9 of hearts.
    Should this always be a value bet given the stacks? He would've called with 8-8, 7-7, and 4-4, which is 9 combinations. He has 16 combinations of 5-6. Possible flush with 9-10 of spades.
    Thoughts? I really don't like checking the river but it made sense in the heat of the moment.

    That’s a fine play IMO - There are still a number of hands out there that beat you, and I could see such a player holding 10/J suited in that position.

    Now, value players might tell you to make that bet because he’ll likely shove, but my opinion is that you’ve got plenty in the pot and it might not be worth seeing his reaction if you push him.
  3. Just got an email back from the best bourbon bar in town and they’re selling off stock next week... let’s see what we can secure!

    Recommend calling your local haunts to be sure.

  4. It’s truly breathtaking how much important shit Jared Kushner doesn’t accomplish. Seems every time I pick up a newspaper there’s another story about Kushner zooming from one massive unfinished project to the next. One day, he’s busy not bringing peace to the Middle East. The next, he’s parachuting in to make zero progress slowing down a global pandemic.  And now we’re reading that this wunderkind of unfinished business has been burning the midnight oil behind the scenes to scuttle billion dollar deals for critical medical equipment. 
    Is there any task so big that Jared Kushner can’t not get it done? 

    When you realize that all this “experience” is simply fodder for the GOP machine, and that outcomes matter significantly less than the graft that can be applied along the way, it all starts to make sense.
  5. Booker Noe allegedly died before passing on the recipe for the rye. I think Freddy is working on a sequel, but it’s a very tall order. 
    I’m furious with myself for passing on Country Ham. I saw it once or twice before the hype machine got rolling. I haven’t seen it since. I’m going to start buying the third release every year. It’s almost always their best. 

    I did the same, and recently... regretting it now, but passing on nearly any bottle of bourbon yields a form of regret.
  6. I call BS, the MFers will continue to buy em from their normal allocation and sit on them knowing full well that they will sell them in a month when the hysteria dies down. It's not like there's dozens of  extrac cases sitting out there to be had. "Hey dont send me any of the good stuff this quarter, okay joe?..."

    Let’s see how bad things get for restaurants before we assume that they’ll continue to purchase high end booze.

    Tons of restos in Seattle are closing, some likely for good... if the whole country resembles Seattle in the coming weeks, shit will get interesting.
  7. Seeing that futures are falling again/still - does the Fed have another $1.5 trillion sitting around for another dose of stimulus, or to prevent the banking system collapse for at least another day.

    They need to spend that shit on the people of this country, where it will actually make an impact.
  8. So here's some food for thought from statistical reasoning: if trump shakes hands with a person infected with coronavirus, he has a 0.5% chance of becoming infected. No big deal. 
    But he goes to a rally in Florida and shakes hands with all the local gomers, and 9 folks in the crowd were infected. His risk just jumped up an order of magnitude to just under 5% (4.88% for you nerds out there). Another day and rally, but it's worse here and he gets exposed to 30 more positive cases at a rally. He's clocking an 18% shot now. 
    Every time he comes in contact through completely ignoring health best practices and touching his face a ton, he's creeping his number up and up. Once someone hits over a hundred exposure events it starts to get real likely. Past 140, it's over 50% likely to happen. 
    I guess what I'm saying is I think it's a matter of when, not if, trump comes down with it. What say y'all?

    To be frank, I think he has it now, but they’d never tell us if that was the case... though some brave soul might leak that information.
  9. I’m moving my 401ks from 70/30 S&Pindx/Currency to 10/90. Plan on holding for at least 6 weeks


    Yeah, I just moved it all around too... wished I had done it last week when I had the itch, just didn’t have the time.


    6 weeks seems like a good amount of time to reevaluate.

  10. Fucking great bottle.
    This one is a store pick from my local store here in DFW. Mine is a cask strength at 123 proof. Haven’t had the 90 though.

    Ok I am lovvvvinnnngggg this...

    It has a bit of Blood Oath (the good batches) in it, a nose full of gunpowder on the front-end and it finishes smooth with hints of orange.

    Early impression: For $40 this is the best bourbon outside Kentucky

    I’m going back on Monday to buy the rest.
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