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Posts posted by Party_Taco

  1. Cashed $1200 last night so I can’t complain, but my lord it was a slog... was down to $55 at one point and built it back up.

    This hand helped get me down to my low: Sitting SB i turn over 3d 7h and call for an extra $6 as button threw in a sweetener. Fuck it, right?

    Flop comes 10h 3s 5d and we both check. Turn comes 3h, he bets $14 and I smooth call. River comes 7d... he pushes all in for $200+ and I figure he has two pair, maybe caught a straight. I push and he turns over 77.

    Good times!

  2. "Let's be clear": This is the biggest flip-flop/heel turn of the primary cycle. 

    Desperation is a stinky cologne...

    Sucks cause I really like Liz, but at least she’s not a leaf in the breeze on policy like Pete.
    • Like 1
    Good thing that won’t be hard to come by.
    I just used dollar days to pick up some staples and try something new. Sazerac rye, bulleit 10, and now sampling some four roses small batch select. Life is bueno even if I didn’t arm wrestle a tater for some blanton gold rare 10 select single batch barrel proof supreme.

    You’ll dig that Sazerac... tasty, tasty stuff.
  4. Buckle up, buckaroos. It's about to get real bad if you're old, overweight, unhealthy, or don't have ready access to medical care. 
    And yet, trumps base won't stop loving him. The ultimate con man with the ultimate marks. 

    If this goes wide, that voting block will be devastated.
  5. Supply chain disruption on so many different levels is just beyond the horizon. 

    You better believe it... we’re already feeling it in the game industry. Almost all of our vendors in China have gone dark, and the ones responding to us have confirmed multiple of our contractors have come down with the virus. That’s gonna have an impact on output and our bottom line... Q1 earnings should be interesting!

    Meanwhile, all the major players are pulling out of the biggest conferences of the year. This thing is just heating up from my perspective and in no way do I feel that we’re prepared.
  6. Rough swing at the local last night. $300 buy-in with 10 players and unlimited rebuys... prob about 8k on the table at the end of the night and I had $2500 of it early. Was keeping to limited, high quality hands, but had the whole fucking table coming for me at one point.

    Had aces cracked by a runner-runner inside straight, flopped top 2 pair when multiple others flopped a straight... had a short stack straight bluff me with 8 high on a board with 4 overs. Went all in when I was clearly ahead and thought I was heads up but another player was shielding his cards... (I’ll blame the large quantity of 1910 on that one)

    Just dumb shit that I usually avoid but so it goes. Did have a fun one though: Family pot with a sweetener comes around to the button to my right, who promptly raises 3X the sweetener pre-flop. I Call with 6s8s and everyone else folds. Flop comes 5sKd7s and he goes all in, for a pot that would double me up but only cost 1/3 of my stack to call his bet, so we dance and the 9s comes on the turn to groans. Daddy loves to dance, especially when it works out.

    • Like 1
  7. I assume the distillery was awesome and in a beautiful setting? How was the gift shop? I'd definitely buy a single barrel/pick Prairie Bourbon. 

    Have some pictures upthread, but they were closed the weekend I was on property. Sister was back last month and picked this bottle up.

    It’s one hell of a distillery to be sure.
  8. Report Card from last weekend:

    Ghost Donkey - Outstanding! Got the truffle nachos, mescal old fashioned and even went after the mushroom margarita with all being delicious.

    Libertine - Solid. Really enjoyed the Asian wings, spare ribs and Mac&Cheese.

    Carbone - 1000 times yes. All of the pastas were terrific, the fish was solid and had the best Caesar in many years. Scenery was also

    Beauty & Essex - On the contrary, the scenery here was mighty douchey, cocktails were just OK, but the food certainly stood out.

    Twist - Easily our best meal of the year. Each course was an explosion of flavor, and all of them impressed. Can’t beat the view either, and the wine list was exhaustive

    Bavette - Always great... I can never get over the brilliance of the mashed potatoes. Sat next to Gruden which was pretty cool and capped it with some Birthday Bourbon, so all-in-all a great night.

    Side Note: On The Record is a fantastic venue, the dancers are smoking hot and the karaoke rooms are worth sneaking into if you can’t get a reservation.

    • Like 3
  9. Was very excited to open up this present over the weekend. Distillery-only, rather young and pretty hot, with Irish-like qualities but without the sweetness.

    Certainly an interesting offering, but easily my least favorite of their slate... maybe I’ll try it with some Coke this weekend.


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