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Posts posted by Party_Taco

  1. Well, it's $50 now and that ain't gonna change

    Also, I’ve always enjoyed it and it’s a requirement for PMP, so given that I can’t fucking find it anywhere, I’ll damn sure pay $100 if and when I see it.
  2. I guess most likely is 51-49 NO and the nazis take it, but my personal bet is 50-50 with Roberts abstaining and then united GOP vote to overturn as it provides maximum cover while confusing the voters with parliamentary BS.

    “Oh, I voted FOR witnesses before I voted against them...”

  3. Eh, based on his prior play that you shared I don’t think you can kick yourself too much for the call. You ran the odds and he’d shown a bluff in a previous hand. Wasn’t necessarily a bad read given the circumstances, just the wrong one.

  4. Seems you’ve told him you don’t have the flush. Extra benefit of the scare card K. He’s certainly in a good spot to bluff. I could call.

    I would also just call and my gut tells me he’s sitting on AQ or trips...

    How’d it end up for ya?
  5. Had a banger last Friday:

    Landed 33 in first position and opened with a $30 bet with $1/$2 blinds. All fold save three and flop comes JhKd8d so I fire again at $100 hoping to push out any flush chasers. One folds and the turn comes 4s, so I follow it will another $100 and get two callers. River comes 7d and I check, with the other parties following suit.

    I meekly turn over 33 assuming it was all for not, but both my opponents had rags, one with A high.

    Just a silly pot that gave me all kinds of momentum and I didn’t really look back, eventually cashing $1300. Not bad for four hour’s work...

  6. Parnas is asking Barr to recuse himself, on the basis that there would be a conflict of interest, and specifically that Barr slowed down the release of documents and has blocked US attorneys of the SDNY from meeting with Parnas, because if he was able to make a deal, it would hurt the President. We live in interesting, albeit shitty, times. (Disclaimer: there have been plenty of other times prior shittier than ours, I just thought we had evolved.) 

    It will never happen, but Barr really needs to see the inside of a prison cell for a prolonged duration.
    • Like 2
  7. Good Bourbon Pursuit pod this week, Episode 236. It’s about distributors. 
    As expected, no transparency, pay for play, system of insider favors, and plenty of swag. I found the fight between liquor stores and bars for allocated bottles pretty interesting. 

    Buddy who owns a local bar is attempting to secure some of the unicorns I posted a while back. Gonna be very interesting to see what comes back from the distributor!
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