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Posts posted by Party_Taco

  1. Found this in the wild for $85. I used to drink tequila more but almost all whisky now. Is it worth it? Does the barrel come through strong enough?

    I personally think that entire collection is delicious and have a few of them on the shelf here at home. The price is high, no doubt, but not outrageous for high-end anjeo.

    Recommend giving it a shot at your local watering hole before pulling the trigger.
  2. Nancy’s statement and her demeanor just now was quite weak. She led well despite many difficulties and some stumbles, but I hope that her time will soon come to an end.

    There are quite a few emerging stars within the party and my hope is that after Trump is gone, one way or another, that her watch will come to an end.

  3. Hot piece of ass joins Intercontinental Exchange fresh out of MBA school in 2002. By 2004 she has already married the CEO and lines up a job on the C-level. 2018 Intercontinental creates baakt and names her CEO. Gotta respect the hustle/grift. She'll fit right in DC.

    Reasonable minds can disagree on the definition of a “Hot piece of ass”.

    That’s some serious horseface, bruh.
  4. Literally no one protesting in front of the WH, but I suppose their new fence out front does a lot to deter dissent. That said, it says a lot about our country that no one is protesting while a president is actively being impeached.

    Couldn’t do the same at the WH without capitol police running me off, but there was another opportunity down the street.


    • Like 4
  5. DC has excellent opportunities sitting behind the bar...


    Last night:

    - 1792 Single Barrel

    - Weller Special Reserve

    - RHF

    - OFBB


    I’ve gotta find a bottle of that BB or die trying.



  6. Listening to the circular logic and outright distortions put forth by McCarthy and Scalise is maddening.

    Talking about democrats ignoring facts while they twist the truth and allow this criminal to shun long established laws and norms makes me sick.

    Fuck all these traitors.

    • Like 1
  7. Caught some of this garbage at the gym tonight and just adored the “total exoneration” + “deep state conspiracy” garbage Bevis and Butthead we’re peddling in prime time.

    The degree to which they disregard the truth and misinform our public should be criminal.

    • Like 1
  8. It’s crazy how different parts of the country have different selections. I’m in Southern California for a wedding and the local liquor store has cases of buffalo trace and eagle rare as well as numerous EC12 ($74),  WLW ($799) and the most of the BTAC. 
    I haven’t seen mass quantities of ER10 in the metroplex in a long time

    I don’t understand what’s going on in SoCal, but I miss the availability there. 7 days a week I could walk down the hill to my grocery store and find multiple varieties of Weller, a plethora of ER and more BT than I could fit in my car.

    Was at a local honey hole last night and struck out (she had Blanton’s but I’m good at the moment) - Told me she sold a single bottle of Antique for $27 on Wednesday though, which hurt.
  9. Nice Int. But not sure I agree with the talk that you can't call PI on that. Flowers had a handful of jersey to keep Diggs away from the ball.

    Had a handful on the front AND the back of the jersey. Could have easily been called PI and probably should have but who the fuck knows anymore.

    These retired refs in the booth are essentially the NFL’s version of Fox News... completely muddying the waters with their own brand of bullshit.
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