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Posts posted by Party_Taco

  1. Sometimes you gotta stop in random ass stores, not because they have the really great shit you’ve been hunting for, but because the solid stuff that’s still hard to find can be had.

    Thank you, Grasonville, MD!


  2. More like midland to Lubbock but yes.

    Ive been up in northeast minnesota they past few weeks. Iron ore mining country. Basically the only part of the state outside of the twin cities that historically votes blue due to the unions. It's definitely trump country now.

    Sure, because he doomed the boundary waters for millennia so that a couple hundred of them could have mining jobs for the next few years. Seems like a fair trade...
  3. Update...

    Solid meh - Front end ain’t too bad if a bit heavy on the sweetness, but it is entirely lacking in character and depth thereafter.

    This is going to the bottom shelf with the Kentucky Owl, but I’ll be pushing the other half on this as an “easy drinker”.

  4. SCORE!

    They had two but couldn’t bring myself to pull the trigger ok both given how hard we went last weekend.

    Will probably open it soon and haul ass back for the other if it holds up...


  5. I hated that area when I lived in Baltimore. Maybe I was just misinformed. I lived in Bolton Hill and then in Towson but everybody I knew who lived in Patterson Park complained about the crime and I knew several people who were mugged there. 

    I did some reading and it appears to be an improving neighborhood. 


    Yeah I get ya - We’re right next to Butcher’s Hill and things are certainly turning up here. City on the whole is improving despite the crime statistics. It’ll honestly be really interesting to see where this place stands in 5 years.


    The high speed rail to DC also has the potential to be a game changer, but I’ll settle for Top Golf on the harbor wink.png


    We moved here from Southern California so it was a big adjustment, but I dig the people, food and cheap housing so I can’t complain.

  6. Walking around Patterson Park at 9PM? And he didn't have a gun?

    He got off lucky. Baltimore is a shithole. 

    Lolz - I live on Patterson Park and walk it every night. This is news because it’s an aberration.


    Also, those kids are fucked... pretty sure the deputy commish knows how to read a plate. Shiiiittttt, he came here from New Orleans!

  7. Finally found some Old Forester Rye tonight... sadly it was at the bar and I got their last pour, but fuck that is some solid brown... especially for the price!

  8. The show seems to be purposely obfuscating where this takes place to give a sense of "Anytown USA".  The bike ride through the orange grove a couple of episodes ago that culminated in the view of the Rockies, for instance.  I mean perhaps that type of geography exists in California, but those didn't seem like Southern California mountains.  I don't recall any other geography hints.  The license plates are certainly not giving anything away.

    They’re not really trying that hard - To me, a former CA resident, it’s clearly California. Hell, the license plates are a straight rip of the old Cali plate style. It reads like Placerville or somewhere in the eastern Sacramento suburbs.
  9. Beto raised $6 million in 24 hours and then just another $7 million over the next 3+ months. He probably could have raised more money literally sleeping in a cave for the entire Q2. 
    What a complete failure by Beto and his campaign staff so far. Whatever their strategy has been, they should do the opposite moving forward. He should hit every TV show and podcast and do as many interviews as possible. Maybe it's too late, but go out swinging. 

    It’s funny, I donated more to Beto’s senate run than to all other political campaigns combined, but I haven’t given a cent to his presidential bid.

    Couple things weighed heavy for me:

    1) We need him more in Texas
    2) I had no misconceptions about his chances of winning in this field
    3) I felt that his campaign misspent (or failed to spend) the funds he was allocated in his previous run
    4) Good politicians know when to attack and, especially in this environment, the “we can do better” shtick doesn’t gain ground. He should have pounded Cruz in the last month on obvious points, but instead took the high road and lost.
    5) He doesn’t seem to have learned or grown in any measurable way.

    I love his sentiment, but he badly needs experience and he can get that back home in Texas.
    • Like 1
  10. I’m hooked like Rue on this show - Both improving and making interesting choices with each passing week.

    As someone noted above, this makes me want to raise kids in the deep woods...

  11. We’re broke again!

    Washington(CNN)The US Department of Agriculture has suspended data collection for its annual Honey Bee Colonies report, citing cost cuts -- a move that robs researchers and the honeybee industry of a critical tool for understanding honeybee population declines, and comes as the USDA is curtailing other research programs.

    It's also another step toward undoing President Barack Obama's government-wide focus on protecting pollinators, including bees and butterflies, whose populations have plummeted in recent years.

    The doubling down on ignorance as we run headlong into a climate crisis is just soooo apropos for this administration.

    Every one of these wholly corrupt, regulatory-capturing, tax-cuts-for-me-but-not-for-thee traitors need to be strung up on the national mall.
    • Like 4
  12. Dovetail is on my list of possibilities for my next $100 bottle.

    Make it happen...

    Went back and picked her up tonight and was not disappointed. Every bit as bold as she is sweet... comes on like a preacher’s daughter with a fondness for BDSM!
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