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Posts posted by Party_Taco

  1. What?

    What’s not to get? Perfect opportunity for the NBA to extend the series, which is exactly what they and their partners want. With the Warriors being hobbled, few would question them losing this game, so why not help ensure that outcome?

    Dubs played like shit, but the officiating was highly suspect. It’s not rocket science.
  2. If the GOP gave two shits about election security, these companies would be out of business, new legislation protecting our elections would have been passed and we would be well on our way to a more secure, reliable election in 2020.


    But we all know how that went and will continue to go as long as these corrupt pieces of shit grasp power.


    • Like 3
  3. Officiating has been flat terrible, which leads me to believe this was a typical “called” game for the NBA. Especially given the dubs taking one in Toronto and a number of their stars having to sit... it was meant to be.

    That said, dubs have looked like shit tonight both from the field and on D.

    The 4th is only gonna be interesting if they can adjust to stop giving DG wide open 3’s and start making some shots.

  4. 6853b58459144a119505be97d5c6a465-4-articleLarge.jpg?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale

    I will be standing on this beach soon, imagining what kind of a man could get out of an LC, wade thru water encumbered by gear, carrying an M1 Garand in a bag, just looking for some kind of cover from the fire above with their friends falling all around them. 

    Probably gonna need a moment away from the wife and kids.  

    The beach was one thing, the cemeteries entirely another - Highly recommend a visit!


    On my end, both grandparents served, but only one member of the family hit the beach that faithful day in June: My great uncle. Though he passed when I was quite young, Uncle Bob’s stories lived on and there were some doozies.


    On D-Day + 5 he was credited with shooting down a BF-109G with his Garand. The plane came low to rip up his column and, as others hit the dirt, he stood to raise his rifle and put a round through the windshield. The plane crashed overhead and his war went on, but it stuns me to think of the experiences these men had on a daily basis. That said, I’m happy they fought so I can fill my day with email and bullshit... heroes, every one.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 5
  5. The finale, much like the rest of the series, delivered in powerful fashion. Easily one of the year’s best and perhaps one of HBO’s finest to date.

    I simply can’t get over the chilling score... Hildur Guðnadóttir knocked it out of the park!

    • Like 1
  6. I would hope that the SDNY would bring an indictment regardless and force Barr and the OLC to have to come out and say the President is above the law. Those optics would be terrible. 

    Is that even possible? Doesn’t the DOJ control which indictments are actually brought forward?
  7. "At the May 14th oral argument, Plaintiffs asked the court to stay the return date of the subpoena beyond the seven days already agreed upon by the parties, pending final appellate review by the D.C. Circuit. See Hr’g Tr. at 77–78. The court declines to do so."
    I can't imagine DC Circuit somehow jumping into this before tomorrow and somehow granting a stay, so these docs are due tomorrow (from a third party, who isn't as inclined as the White House to ignore the law).

    Isn’t Merrick Garland the one at the DC Circuit who would have to grant the stay? Somehow, and I’m not sure why, I don’t see him carrying the GOP’s water on this one...
  8. The question is what scandal is driving this. I know, I know, pick a scandal, but seriously, something this big has got to have a huge scandal brewing behind it.  
    This actually runs the risk of a few Rs in the Senate turning against him.   When American aircraft get shot down or an American ship or two gets sunk, nobody wants to be left holding the bag.   The Iranians have decades of study on how to shut down the Gulf and sink big ships.   

    Let’s all pray that this does not become a hot conflict... The political ramifications are the least of my concerns if we start mixing it up with Iran on their own turf.
  9. Pep talk thread for the anti-Trump crowd:

    One of the Trump’s authoritarian goals is to exhaust us so thoroughly that we surrender. He seeks to sap our strength, our courage, our faith in the goodness of our fellow Americans. We must not let him. So often I see this: “No one is doing anything.” Or, “He is never held accountable.” Or, “He was already won.” 
    This is defeatist talk, and while I understand how anyone could have these thoughts—I do, too, sometimes—we must recognize that they are falsehoods.
    Manafort, Trump’s campaign chair, is in prison. Cohen, Trump’s longtime attorney & bagman, is in prison. Mike Flynn, Trump’s seditious ex-natsec adviser, is going to prison. Roger Stone will soon join them. Assange is in custody in the UK. That is not “nothing.”
    It is extremely frustrating that Jared Kushner has not been indicted—even for one of his many crimes. Junior, same thing. That this has not yet happened doesn’t mean it never will.
    There are FOURTEEN ongoing investigations in the Mueller Report. There are a number of cases farmed out to various US attorneys. And we know nothing of the CI investigation. However much McConnell & Graham want us to "move on," this is NOT going away until justice is served.
    Try as he might, Barr cannot make this all go poof. Congress is too powerful. What did Pelosi say last week? “The power of the Speaker is awesome.” She knows how to wield this power. So do Nadler and Schiff and Waters and, one hopes, Neal.
    Trump has controlled the narrative on the Russia investigation for more than two years. Mueller hasn’t said ONE WORD about the investigation, ceding the airwaves to Trump. When RSMIII testifies, that will change the narrative—forever.
    Right now, Trump is trying to delay. It’s the only tactic he has left, aside from the usual fear-based BS. When fines are levied against those held in contempt of Congress—or, better, when the contemptibles are arrested—the cracks in the glass will be too much.
    Check the numbers now for impeachment. They are already high—and again, Mueller has not said a word; Barr cock-blocked the release of the report; Trump & his minions lie & lie & lie, with hardly any pushback from the supine MSM, which merrily trots out his lies as headlines.
    What happens when the truth comes out—on TV, over and over again, in a way that makes Trump’s complicity undeniable? Even Fox News will repudiate him, which will end him.
    But back to the politics of fear. Another thing I keep hearing: “We have to nominate someone who can beat Trump.” And that person is almost always an old white man, whether Bernie or Biden. 
    My first thought after reading the Mueller Report was, “Well, this means Trump can’t run again, at the very least.” He can’t go on a debate stage, because he will be humiliated and have to answer for his crimes. How can he run a campaign? NO COLLUSION is not a slogan, FFS.
    Oh, right, I can hear you naysayers: “The Russians and Facebook will make sure he has the votes.” 
    Again, reality check: This worked in 2016, in what was a perfect storm of an election, and he still only managed to eke out the meagerest of wins via the EC. HRC trounced him.
    Reverse those 77k votes in those three Russian-sabotaged states, and HRC wins in a landslide. THEY CAN ONLY CHEAT IF THE TOTALS ARE CLOSE. 
    And guys? IT WON’T BE CLOSE. No matter the candidate, it won’t be close.
    “But impeachment will harden his base.” Great! Let them harden! They are less than a quarter of the voting public, and they can all go fuck themselves. We don’t need their votes to win. It makes no sense to try and sway these people.
    McDonald’s doesn’t base its marketing strategy on luring in healthfood fanatics. There are some people who will never eat fast food, they know that, so they don’t waste their time and money trying. This is how Dems need to think.
    We need a centrist candidate” is another thing I hear. 
    Reality check: aside from the darlings of the Russian bot farms (cough Bernie cough Tulsi), ALL of the Dems are “centrist,” relative to the retrograde Handmaid’s Tale of the current GOP.
    The most “progressive” of the Dems is probably Elizabeth Warren. She has a great plan for healthcare and also one to alleviate student debt. These are things almost all Americans want! How is catering to the desires of almost the entire country not "centrist?"
    This is code for “we need a white man, because only a white man can win.” 
    Reality check: we don’t, and that’s not true. The country is half female. A quarter of the population is non-white. That’s the party right there, and that’s more than enough to beat Trump.
    Look, Joe Biden seems like a genuinely nice guy and a good person. No doubt he could beat Trump, and be a better president than Trump. 
    Reality check: that last sentence is true of ANY non-Russian-bot-farm candidate.
    Nominating Joe Biden is a panic move. It’s something we feel like we “should” do because we are afraid someone better won’t beat Trump. 
    REALITY CHECK: Joe is too old, has too much baggage. There are far superior candidates who would make far superior presidents.
     This is what I’M afraid of: Dems panic-nominate Handsy Joe. Trump bails, because of his legal woes, and GOP run Nikki Haley. We have an old white man against a middle-aged woman—and we’re the ones running the dinosaur. Haley wins, and we're doomed.
    Have you been paying attention to the horrible anti-choice stuff going on now in Ohio and Georgia? This is a CRISIS. And that crisis can best be solved by the next president being a woman. (A woman other than Nikki Haley, obvs).
    I’m for #Kamala2020. I’ve also donated to #Gillebrand2020. Elizabeth Warren, meanwhile, continues to win me over every day. Liz isn’t as flashy as Beto or Pete, maybe…but after Trump, maybe what we need is four years of staid, folksy mega-competence.
    Whatever you do: don’t act (or vote!) out of fear. Ever. That’s what Trump depends on. Deny it to him. As one of our best presidents said, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

    That’s a lotta sunshine, but I hope they’re right...
  10. So Varys was writing letters informing someone about Jon Snow’s heritage and using the little girl to smuggle out the information.  
    Who would he write?  Illyro? Yara? Citadel? the Iron Bank?  

    All of the above plus several others in southern Westeros perhaps...

    Who cares though, this was a terrible episode filled with the laziest writing imaginable. I only hope there’s a book to unravel this sordid mess.
  11. House needs to start jailing these corrupt mother fuckers for non-compliance and obstruction. Hold them indefinitely until they relent. Nothing less will even blip the radar for these traitors, so Democrats need to start blotting our the skies and dropping firebombs.

    • Like 3

  12. I can put you in touch with a fella out of Denmark that ships me the SFTB for $135. That includes shipping

    I would be interested if he’s taking on other buyers.
  13. Old Forester rye for $21. Is there a better deal out there right now?

    My honey hole musta had 12 varieties of OF today but not a lick of the rye... did find a couple good alternatives however and threw in some south of the border delights for good measure:


    Also, anyone had a chance to sip on this before? Almost pulled the trigger but I’m not usually a Knob drinker.

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