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Posts posted by Party_Taco

  1. Might be a worth a trip if I’m in DC. 
    I heard the Bowman Bros distillery isn’t worth writing home about. 

    It’s a quick hop - Their restaurant is also outstanding, but I’d just take in the local seafood if you’re pressed for time.

    We also have excellent breweries in the city and a solid gin distillery our Frederick way.
  2. The problem is that Mueller can’t control the Dems. There’s blood in the water and yesterday’s news was likely to push a runaway train from the station if he didn’t pull the fuel from the fire. I don’t think he had a good choice...

    1) Say nothing and watch as his entire investigation is undercut by Dems and media driven into a frenzy.

    2) Dispute specific parts of the Buzzfeed article and give red hats ammo to attack the investigation and the press.

    What would you choose?

  3. While I agree with all of this, I’m not sure who made Mueller god.  We’ve been watching an overt traitor stack the courts for years now.
    We had an election and the American people made it pretty clear they’ve had enough of this bullshit.  Trump has hurt the United States beyond repair and the government has been shut down for a month.  If Mueller wants to avoid a catastrophe, he needs to get his shit together because people are fed the fuck up. 

    True, but if you come for the king...

    Some of this isn’t even predicated on Mueller, but court schedules and legal maneuvering. We’ve got a date now, so when Mueller shoots, let’s just hope that he doesn’t miss.

    This needs to be a prolific kill shot from a guy used to bringing down entire organizations. Taking out Dotus isn’t enough... there must be a way to reveal the naked corruption of the GOP and the NRA in a manner that removes their ability to influence American politics.

    Basically, a whole lotta traitors gotta go to jail, and that doesn’t happen unless the case is made as cleanly as possible on a timetable that the OSC controls. Because we’re in uncharted waters, it’s impossible to know what to expect, but if Muller blundered about, I assume he’d eventually run headlong into the USS Corruption helmed by Mitch himself, sinking the investigation for good.

    As a country we’re certainly at a roil, but we still have some time before this completely boils over... by my math, that’s about 3 weeks. What happens between now and then is anyone’s guess, but my suspicion is that the evidence will continue to slowly trickle out before Mueller drops a few bombshells in the court room that connect the tangled web of corruption and conspiracy.

    For America to survive he simply cannot miss.
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  4. My thought is that the Buzzfeed article eliminated the SOC’s ability to control the narrative. Hell, in ONE DAY Dems went from “we need to wait for the report” to “we’re ready to pursue impeachment.”

    Mueller can’t have that - The entire means of presentation and progressive indictments in this investigation is expertly orchestrated. There’s a plan here, man... and it’s certainly not for fucking BuzzFeed to make the case and force the Dem’s hand in advance of the real evidence coming out.

    I get that the statement upsets many and only encourages the Dotards to the detriment of the argument, but no one will give a shit in a couple weeks when the gauntlet is laid down. Moreover, there’s no way that Mueller could let events spiral in advance of his plan.

    He’s the fucking key master and the judiciary are the gate keepers. Let’s let them sort their business before determining how this will play out.

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