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Posts posted by Party_Taco

  1. Chuck Todd told you a couple of years ago that fact checking is not his job.

    So his job is to simply provide a platform of nonsense? If you posit a question you should expect a direct answer. When you don’t get one, it’s your JOB to press the issue.
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  2. Totally agree, had nothing to do with the Rams taking our manhood and rushing for 273 yards...

    For a total of how many points again? I have no problem with a “bend don’t break” approach and it was a one possession game. We had a chance to win today and it came down to bad play calling, poor execution by Dak in the mid level passing game and laughable officiating on key plays.

    All of their “possession football” wouldn’t have meant shit if the former didn’t come up on 3rd downs.
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