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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. That's a weak take by the guy doing the videos. No dogs were shot. No doors were busted down with guns drawn. No one was physically assaulted. Voices weren't even raised. I don't think a call has to be made for police to investigate suspicious circumstances that they encounter while doing their jobs. I guess they technically could have handled it differently, but if they show up at my shop when I'm working after hours, I'm happy to identify myself and thanking them for checking. There are plenty of bad cops who deserve shaming and in many cases legal prosecution. I do not think the case is made for these two to be vilified.
  2. 1:1
  3. Ah. I didn't go looking for it, but if the encounter escalated, then I don't understand why transmission bro didn't just show them his ID if he really was allowed to be there. They were initially investigating a possible break-in. Should they not do that? If I were a shop owner, and cops noticed my garage was open after hours, I would hope they would investigate.
  4. I don't see the issue here. Body cams are on. They are being polite. They just want to see his ID to prove that he is supposed to be there in case the business owner reports a break in the next day. This thread is full of cops who are bad people doing bad things. This is not an example of that. What am I missing?
  5. I owe Jason Kidd an apology. What's a good side for crow?
  6. This whole thread.
  7. Anyone ever use any of the hirelings from Withers? There are a few group combinations I want to explore, but I'm also thinking of focusing on one companion at a time, and rounding out the party with hirelings. I assume hireling dialogue is limited or non-existent?
  8. They also have the best coach in the game and a demonstrated ability to run it back. Your points are valid, and I like your optimism, but until someone else wins, OU has to be where players want to go to win a title. I'd love for Texas to change that next season.
  9. Do you sell ice to the Inuit? I don't see how we can present a more convincing argument than OU when it comes to being in a position to win titles.
  10. I'm still on my first playthrough, early in Act 3, but have already spun up a few replay characters to pursue different storylines. One of those will be making use of Minthara. I didn't like something she said with my current character, so I killed her. On the plus side, Astarion makes really good use of her armor.
  11. It's a damn shame what they did to that franchise. Origins and most of its DLC was great. Everything after paled by comparison because they were forced to rush things and to label them as "Dragon Age" when they were intended to be something entirely different (DA2, for example).
  12. We won't know unless/until it happens. One thing we do know is that people who would only tune in if Clark is on the team won't be tuning in if she isn't. I wish she deserved a spot for basketball reasons, but she isn't there yet. I think if you are more interested in growing the sport than you are the optics of putting a less deserving player on the squad, then you find a way to add her. Then you let her bring focus to the great players who earned their spots, which is what she would do, as that's who she is. Or, we can just wait four more years and miss out on who knows how much international interest and money.
  13. Then millions of new watchers might see that there is more to women's basketball than Clark...or they may get bored and switch to watch the equestrian competition, which they will do anyway if Clark isn't there. Everyone knows that there are dozens of players who are more deserving of being on the team for basketball reasons. I expect that will change for the next Olympic team, but why wait to leverage Clark's popularity?
  14. The thread title alone was sufficient. There was no need to add any context with a post.
  15. Praise Buddha, Manny is gone. He's a nice guy with an exceptional palate, but the reason he couldn't make a dish that demonstrated his growth is because he didn't experience any. He cooked safe dishes, often poorly, the entire time. He was the classic "I don't need to swim faster than the shark, just the slowest person" competitor. There is one almost every season. I agree that any of the four could win, but I still have Danny as the favorite. Even in the rare instances when he can't get his head around a challenge, he cooks well enough to avoid serious consideration for elimination - "good fails" as Tom calls them. He'll make it to the final 3 on talent alone, and at that point, it should be all about the cooking with no challenge to navigate. Savannah crushed it this week, but I think she'll have to be perfect and have Danny make a mistake to win. Taste matters most, but all things being equal, the judges tend to reward technical skill and creativity, which I think favors Danny. Dan needs the break more than anyone. It's hard to make good food when your brain can't decide what's on the menu. Lets hope he is able to regroup and bring his A game to the Love Boat. If everyone is mentally in it, it feels like Laura is the most likely to misinterpret the final four challenge or to overcomplicate a dish, but she can cook as well as anyone when she makes good decisions. We'll see what happens. It should be fun.
  16. Got a bingo, but am a bit surprised that only 6 boxes hit, unless I missed some.
  17. Very bad juju this year. Did someone drink Jobu's rum?
  18. Yep. Window is closed. Even if it were open, I don't think Bora have the supporting cast that UAE have.
  19. Tell that stuttering ogre Tudball that I would like a stern word with him.
  20. Screaming for Pierce to be fired now is stupid. There is nothing to me gained by it. Most candidates that we would want are likely going to be busy for the next couple of weeks. Any recruits that are committed obviously like Pierce enough to commit in the first place, and aren't going to suddenly jump ship because our season ended in a Regional. Firing Pierce before you have his replacement lined up gives other programs opportunities to poach our recruits. Let CDC do his job.
  21. Get your bingo cards ready.
  22. Yep, except I went bard instead of mage. He's not as strong magically as a mage, but he's more versatile, and the Cutting Words ability is hilarious.
  23. That's good to know. I let Shadowheart kill Lae'zel for the reasons you noted. Her dead corpse littered my camp for a long time before it finally disappeared. Maybe the owl cub ate her? I will be playing a Gith monk at some point, and will see if Lae'zel grows on me. I pretty much roll with Shadow, Karlach, and Astarion all the time with, but will be mixing it up more next time.
  24. This saddens me. He was the best.
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