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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. Your first post in this series very clearly indicates that the Mavs should start resting now. Your second post attempts to walk that back a little bit, but it still indicates that rest is called for rather than continuing to push. All you've really clarified is that you think the Mavs are safely out of the play-in games. I contend that they should continue playing hard until the possibility of a play-in game is mathematically eliminated. Once that is secured, I don't really care. I previously posted that I would like them to avoid the Clippers in the first round, but that was when LA was playing at a very high level. At this point, I'd prefer to avoid Denver more than any other top-4 seed, but if they finish above 6th, they will have already exceeded my expectations for the season.
  2. I'm not sure why you think a 2-game cushion with 8 games remaining justifies calling off the dogs. I'm fine with not trying to catch the Clippers, as both teams have the same amount of success at home and on the road. Not trying to win could easily result in us drawing Denver in the first round or falling into a play-in position. No thanks. Let's just win and protect our current seed, and if we can rest players while doing that, then do it. Once we have clinched a top 6 with no chance of a Denver match-up, then I don't care what we do.
  3. Jem, Jem, Jem. Oh well. I guess that's the first person to go this season for being a threat, though if you go home with an idol in your pocket were you actually a threat?
  4. Don't worry. She'll make back 10% of what she spent when she sells it all after it sits in the garage for the next 5 years and she needs the space for some new used shit that she'll never use. Ask me how I know.
  5. After watching the second leg last night, I was going to post the same thing. This may be the weakest group of teams ever. On the other hand, they did have to do back-to-back legs with no break in hot conditions. Who was the genius who thought a face painting challenge with a bunch of sweaty heat stroke victims was a good idea?
  6. Great. You figured out the obscure reference. Nice job.
  7. In the early going, I find Hunter, Charlie, and Jem to be the most likeable, but it's early, and we haven't had much exposure to Nami and Siga. Obviously I'm burned out on Yanu.
  8. I was hoping Bhanu would somehow end up with an idol just so I could watch someone convince him to give it away or not play it.
  9. I'm trying to figure out this stat. Luka and Kyrie played the same number of minutes but with a huge discrepancy in +/-. Luka's stats are all decent. Our defense when he was on the court without Kyrie must have been nonexistent.
  10. I loved how they kept saying "if someone else stopped an asked for directions, we should be okay." Maybe YOU should have stopped and asked for directions. Their personalities and skillsets were too similar. They were never going to last long, but that was historically bad.
  11. Unpopular Opinions thread is over there ->
  12. User name definitely does not check out, but I'm sure you had a nice giggle when you came up with it.
  13. I think a couple of the other survivors nailed their comments about Bhanu. He's a huge fan of the game with no concept of how to play it. Physical exhaustion can heighten a person's emotional response, but dude has zero control over his.
  14. We don't take kindly to that around here.
  15. Roger is worth $600 million today. I think he did okay.
  16. I was wrong...it was smoke and mirrors.
  17. The issue is that Kidd isn't coaching Kidd. He knows what to do, but he is incapable of teaching someone else how to do it. He was a great improviser, and that is something you can't teach. And let's be fare, as great of a player as he was, he only has one ring to show for it, and he owes that mostly to Dirk.
  18. It took me a few episodes to warm to Eddie, but once I did, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
  19. I like Kidd as a 3 more than as a coach.
  20. Did he just win Wimbeldon?
  21. Visma doing Visma things.
  22. I watch more Paramount+ than anything right now, and recently went to an annual no-ads subscription, so this is obviously my fault. Sounds like I better get through all the Treks and anything else while I can.
  23. Why do we have so many players named Chloe?
  24. The 6-game streak is great, and unlike other stretches this year, it doesn't feel like it is all smoke and mirrors. I would love to get to the 6 spot to miss out on the play-in shit. Other than that, I'd like to avoid the Clippers and Nuggets in the first round.
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