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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. There may be a few Rodney foam fingers, but most of us who have been complaining about all the premature negativity are simply Texas foam fingers. Unless the coach is being arrested on suspicion of committing felonies...or worse, winning games should always be the standard.
  2. What about milk and cookies? I tried using the layup method, but my cookie just rolled off the table, and the dog got it.
  3. Since Terry was hired as Head Coach, Texas hasn't won a single game. Even Shaka won some. Why has CDC not fired him yet?
  4. Do we even know for sure that Donewald is gone? He is still listed as an assistant coach at Texas on all sources I can find. I likely missed something, but the only indication of him leaving that I recall seeing is a link to a post from Gerry that he was no longer confident in his return.
  5. Truer words have never been spoken.
  6. Even though I can't stomach watching my childhood team these days (Dallas) I'm disappointed I can only rep this post once. Avatar does NOT check out.
  7. Would really love for it to be Jason Kidd.
  8. Have you offered her a LV purse if she does X with you?
  9. Those of us reacting to all the negativity are likely the "pussies" in this scenario, so stop being a bully and show a little sympathy and compassion for your surly snowflake brethren. Texas Men's Basketball just had its best season since the prime Barnes era, and you'd think we were bounced by Abilene Christian in the first round again or were planning our NIT parade. No one is saying that you cannot be critical or negative at all. Just for the love of dog, do you have to be such an over the top constant champion of doom? You've spent way more time being critical of things that may or may not actually result in the program being unsuccessful that you did celebrating what it just accomplished. We know what Terry's record was at Fresno and UTEP. We understand the reasons he was hired and that he most likely was not the best candidate available. We know that his first month since being named Head Coach has not been full of as many positives as most of us would like. We really do know these things. You can stop trying to convince us. Look, I know you'll find this hard to believe, but most of us were as excited about Beard and what we expected him to accomplish here as you were. We were all as shocked and devastated when his personal life no longer allowed him to be the coach. It sucks, but he is gone. In spite of your constant claims to the contrary, no one truly thinks Terry brings everything to the table that Beard did. Still, Terry is the coach we have, and all the criticism and negativity is not going to allow Beard to come back or immediately result in a replacement that you might find more palatable. Why is it so wrong to give Terry a chance to do the job, have a little hope that he might exceed expectations, and wait to see if he actually fails before we crucify him for not being Beard, Barnes, or even Derka? In these times of domestic violence, mass shootings, pandemics, war, inflation, global warming, bigotry, hatred, hunger, and countless other actual shitty things that matter, is it so wrong to want to read a little positive news from time to time? We are all fans of the best university on the planet. Is it not possible to find a little common ground that doesn't pile on to the misery that life is already giving us?
  10. I don't think it matters. Even posting something that should be common ground results in a dissenting opinion. Some people are just determined to be miserable.
  11. Turd sandwiches and douchebags fighting it out....same as it ever was.
  12. If Beard wanted him, would you be impressed?
  13. I'm still watching. It does feel like we are being set up for one of the original Tikas to win. Yam Yam, Carolyn, and Carson, have all been getting favorable edits, but as we saw last season, that does not always mean anything. I didn't like how Heidi played her advantage on the vote that sent Matt home. She should have stolen Jaime's and used it on Lauren, which would have forced Lauren to use both of her votes to ensure a tie at worst. It was a missed opportunity to pad her resume, but she chose to use it to protect her social game instead. Yawn.
  14. I'm trying really hard to not get completely sucked in emotionally, but with the Mavs sot in the playoffs, it is nice to have the Rangers playing well, even if it turns out to be temporary. I'm not able to follow most games live, so am dependent on the ESPN or other scrawls for scores. I'll be glad when The NY Rangers are out of the playoffs...gets me every time.
  15. If you put the time required to have a realistic chance into a $15/hour job at DQ, you'd come out ahead. Guaranteed $10k, no risk of losing anything, plus Blizzards. Win, win, win.
  16. You probably saw it referenced in here:
  17. Fair enough. I've been a fan since season 1, but they are certainly making it difficult.
  18. Cuban has certainly fucked up a lot of things, but I don't put this one on him. Brunson was going to the Knicks as soon as possible no matter what Cuban did, and the Knicks tampered to make sure it happened. Brunson's father, of course claims the Mavs never offered to extend Brunson, but I personally believe Cuban on this one.
  19. I have no idea, but I imagine I'll be too busy enjoying the success of our team's basketball program to care. And I don't see any of them claiming that they don't make "I told you so" posts.
  20. Maybe the correct response should be to act like you've been there before? When a person claims that they don't make "I told you so posts," but litters the thread with them, what should the appropriate response be? And shouldn't someone's prediction actually be proven correct before we even need to consider any of this?
  21. You must be mistaken. He doesn't do that.
  22. Remember when Derka said he doesn't make "I told you so" posts? idig fucking remembers.
  23. Still sticking to your claim that you aren't an "I told you so" delusional fuckface? I never made any claims about how successful Terry was going to be. I simply pointed out that he obviously wasn't hired based on his previous head coaching experience, with absolutely zero input on whether that experience should have mattered. The fact that you can't comprehend that does not change the facts of why Terry was hired, why we needed to hire someone in the first place, nor how I feel about any of it. Facts: Beard was fired for cause Terry was hired to replace him I made a post on this thread pointing out that what Terry did in replacement of Beard obviously mattered more in his hiring than his previous head coaching experience, as it was assumed that he would not have been hired before replacing Beard I made no comments on whether his previous coaching experience should have mattered more, simply that it obviously didn't to those who did the hiring I am not happy that Beard is not a good enough person to be our coach, regardless of how great of a coach he is I am not jubilant that Terry was hired, but understand why he was, and likely would not have been excited by any of the realistic alternatives I still have hope that Terry can get the job done in spite of the way-too early "sky is falling" reaction to his first month on the job Derka is a passionate fan who has trouble with rational thought and discussion Those are the fact. I avoid engaging you because, in spite of the positive contributions you make to the site, and especially the basketball forum, you are a petulant ass, incapable of rationally considering any opinion that you don't share. I don't even disagree with you about most of this. You simply misconstrued what I originally posted, and have been on an unwavering crusade to label me as some sort of Terry champion. Now stop pretending that you don't want Terry to fail, stop calling me out, and kindly fuck off.
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