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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. I don't think Hunter would be reliable in that, or any role. I guess they could video chef statements while they are cooking, and simply have someone who isn't a grating personality read them. Of course at some point, chefs who are better at describing while cooking might have an edge, which could be okay if you consider that a chef skill. I'm not sure that the current solution bothers me that much, other than Simon clearly being worse at it than Justin.
  2. I agree with everything except this. I had this same thought, but when are they supposed to do it? Their dishes are already getting cold/warm as it is, especially for the chef whose food is judged second.
  3. Well, shit. We should have hired him to coach football.
  4. This. Sometimes that will be obvious, but not always.
  5. I agree that Simon is a weakness, though I wonder how much editing is going on during his descriptions. Someone needs to describe the dishes, and it obviously can't be the chefs. I think Justin does a decent job, though he leaves out key details at times as well, which again could be down to editing. I don't know what the solution is here. This may the best they can do while keeping their influence minimal. I don't mind the seeding. It seems fairly random, which is how it probably should be. Hindsight is always going to indicate that some match ups occurred too soon. The luck of the randomizer plays a part in the closeness of some battles as well. I'm still not a Guy fan, but have been able to enjoy the show in spite of him.
  6. This pretty much sums it up for me. I've been more pro-Cuban than most over the years, mostly because he truly does love the team. But this is what happens when a big fan comes into a lot of money and buys a sports franchise. He has not done a great job of surrounding himself with real basketball people. He got lucky with the Nelsons, end especially so with Dirk, but he tends to hire yes men. I would love to see Luka reinvent himself, work on his conditioning, work on his free throws, dedicate himself to being the best defensive player on the team, and stop whining after every non-foul, but I'd be shocked if any of those things happened. I'd be even more shocked to see him agree to restructure his contract for the benefit of the team. I do not expect him to be a Mav in 5 years. I'd almost prefer to build around Kyrie at this point, or blow it all up and start from scratch.
  7. You won't agree that this makes my argument, which is fine. I agree that it isn't the best example, but it reads to me like you spent a lot of time dredging up evidence of how wrong some people were. Maybe it's more of a "look at how stupid everyone else is" than a "look how right I was thing" if you want to split hairs, which I'm sure you do. Just consider it me moving the goalposts again. I'm not going to spend time digging up other examples, as it serves no purpose. Much like Terry's coaching record, your posting history speaks for itself. I'm done. Take the last word if you must.
  8. I'm sure it feels like I'm going out of my way to be argumentative with you, but the truth is, you are arguing with no one. As I am the only one who lacks enough self-control to not respond, you think it's me. You continue to post rebuttals to points that no one is making. You've never explained why you feel it is important to keep harping on Terry's record. Find me one person, just one, who would have offered Terry the head coaching position prior to him taking over for Beard. Should you actually find someone, please feel free to argue with them to your heart's content. In short, you like to put words in other people's mouths. If you are going to do that, I'm going to continue calling you on it. I'm not going to pretend to understand the motivation. We are all wired how we are wired.
  9. Again, where are all these expectations? You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it does. And please educate us, oh wise one. How does being adamant that Terry is destined to live up to his resume help anything? What are you hoping to accomplish other than making people as miserable as you are? Hey, guys. Cool your jets. For the sake of the program, please don't express any optimism, hope, or support for Terry. It is not helpful at all, and is only going to make things worse. What the ever living fuck, man? The silver lining is that, should Terry fail, we'll get to experience you going on and on about how you were right and that the entire board was against you, as we all expected Terry to be more successful than Saints Barnes and Beard. So we have that going for us, which is nice.
  10. Who are these people? Being anti-doom and gloom does not mean people are blind and have unrealistic expectations. Hoping for something does not mean we expect it.
  11. If you aren't on team "let's keep pointing out Terry's resume because eventually it will change everyone's mind," then you are on team "Terry will be the best coach Texas has ever had and was the perfect hire." This is surly, where there is no rational middle ground. We live in a "if you aren't with me, you are against me" world. I do not know what team resume expects to accomplish. Is CDC supposed to read this thread, have a change of heart, and throw $20 million a year at Bill Self? A few people are defending Terry's resume, but even they don't think he would have been offered the job prior to this season, and simply want to feel positive. Most of us understand that hiring Terry is risky. Most of us understand that if there is such a thing as a risk-free coach, they weren't interested in the job. Most of us understand why Terry was hired, understand that it comes with a shitload of hope, but are still at peace with it. Derka still isn't over Barnes leaving. I doubt he will ever get over Beard.
  12. What? Do you even read what you write? Probably not, as you obviously don't read what others do. Another poster had stated that Terry's previous head coaching experience was the most important factor in determining Terry's qualifications for the head coaching job, and that it was an indication that his tenure would be unsuccessful. I responded with a sarcastic Nostradamus reference because no one knows the future...not you, not me, not even futureman. I then added reasoning as to why Terry's previous coaching experience was not the most important factor in his hiring. I mentioned that no one thinks Terry would have been offered the job prior to this season. I noted that after this season, Terry was hired. Using logic, I therefore concluded that Terry's previous coaching record could not be the most important factor in his hiring, as he was obviously hired in spite of it. It was a simple logical argument not at all based on Terry's actual qualifications. You referring to my position as illogical is funny as hell to me, as it clearly went right over your head. That is all my initial post was intended to say. Since then, you have been relentlessly arguing against points I never made. I do feel that hiring Terry was the best decision given the circumstances and lack of any obvious slam dunk alternatives. That does not mean that I think he is the perfect person for the job. He's not. He has a lot to prove. I think most would agree with that, and would agree with me that he deserves the opportunity to do so. Me re-explaining my comments again and again because you clearly aren't understanding what I am trying to convey is not moving the goalposts. It is merely a way-too-determined effort to reason with someone who is incapable of ever seeing it. I know better, but you aren't the only one who struggles with letting things go. Some of us prefer to focus on the positives, even during the darkest of times. The Elite Eight run was a nice reminder that sometimes we can have nice things. Reading a bunch of negative shit about why the person we just hired to run our program for the foreseeable future is doomed to fail is harshing my mellow, man. Make it stop.
  13. I can't tell from this...bunch of words...what you think is not reality? It reads like you are saying that what actually happened didn't actually happen, but I'm the illogical and delusional one? I'm not moving any goalposts. My point has been the same from the beginning. If Terry was not a candidate before taking over for Beard, but he was the obvious choice after the end of the season, then what transpired in that time carried more weight to those making the decision. I'm not saying that it should have mattered more. I'm merely pointing out that it obviously did. What transpired over the past 3.5 months doesn't imply he should be getting all of the credit, or that he has clearly established himself as one of the leading coaches in the game, worthy to lead any program. It simply means that he did enough to deserve the opportunity to see what he can do. So you can state that Terry being retained was sensible, but in your world that's not an endorsement, and if anyone else suggests that hiring Terry was the right thing to do, we are all delusional and clearly think Terry was the ideal candidate for the job? Okay. You win. Go back to moving your own goalposts, chasing windmills, shouting at clouds, or derkaing more threads.
  14. You do realize that Terry has been hired, correct? No one believes that Terry would have been offered the job prior to taking over for Beard. So why was he hired? Clearly what he did over the last 3.5 months carried more weight, at least to those who are paid to make those decisions. You can argue that the last 3.5 months should not have mattered more all you want, but you can't change the fact that it actually did. If you seriously don't understand that, then I can't help YOU. Barnes and Beard are both gone. Get over it.
  15. Yes, I mean seriously!! I'm really asking...and as usual, your answer to a question you can't answer is hyperbolic incredulity that anyone would even ask it. Why did we even spend money paying assistants when Beard obviously didn't need any help building the roster and guiding it to its potential? I mean, seriously!! We all know that Texas would not have hired Terry based on his 10 years of head coaching experience. Yet here we are with him being hired after his 3.5 months of not shitting the bed with the team assembled by the best coach we'll ever have. Those are the facts. Clearly someone thinks those 3.5 months at Texas mean more than the his 10 years as a head coach at other schools...a lot of someones, actually. Otherwise, there would be a lot more objections from more than a just a handful of posters who think that we should have kept Beard or that we had realistic home run alternatives to Terry. You aren't really upset that we hired Terry. I know that you understand that under the circumstances, it was the right thing to do. You are still grieving the loss of Beard, and that is certainly understandable. Terry isn't Beard, but can we please give the man a chance to do the job before we assume he is going to be a failure, and maybe throw a little support behind him to make it easier? No? Well surly is going to surly, I guess.
  16. Can I get some of you Nostradamus assholes to tell me the winning lottery numbers for the next drawing, please? Why are the 10 years at other schools more telling than what he has actually done at Texas? What will really tell us with how things are going to go is how they actually go. Sometimes people learn and develop new skills, and become better at their jobs. Sometimes a situation suits a person better than a previous one. And why are people talking about Terry in the Beard thread? If you are going to continue to have pessimistic shitty takes, at least put them where they can be properly ridiculed.
  17. This is what I expected when we hired Kidd. I don't know what deal with the devil he made last season that resulted in me eating so much crow, but obviously order has been restored.
  18. Read his post again, and then read yours, and then get back to me about reading comprehension. Here, I'll spell it out for you. Dude said it is dumb to make the hire based on one tournament run. You responded with five other reasons why Terry might be qualified that have nothing to do with the tournament run, thus making his point. I never said that his statement was in support of Terry. I merely stated that you both are in agreement that a tournament run alone should not be the only reason to hire a coach.
  19. Who are you calling dumb? He just agreed with you.
  20. Only two people know what really happened that night and what has happened over the time Beard and Trew have been together. Unless videos magically appear, no one else will ever know the whole truth. The University has made the decision to move on from Beard, and that was my cue to do the same. The rest of you can do what you want, but he's gone and is never returning. The program is bigger than he is and will survive without him.
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