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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. To me, it feels like this is where we are, despite our recent form and current position in the table. I think we are in 4th more so because other clubs are under achieving. Should we continue to earn full points from most of the clubs below us in the standings, then I will feel that we are ahead of schedule. I have too much PTSD to believe we are back just yet. I'm enjoying the good run regardless.
  2. Ooooooooh, that's what he was referencing. Thanks for clarifying. I was stumped. Good luck with your retirement from the Steelers.
  3. Children of a Lesser God put him on the map for me, after The Big Chill, of course. .
  4. Actually, we just played the first of three matches in seven days, so back-to-back "two matches in four days." It will be interesting to see what we do with the lineup versus Liverpool. Do we give them our best, or try to conserve some legs for Saturday's match at Villa?
  5. I'm not in the best position to answer this question, but the juxtaposition of these two threads may or may not be a sign.
  6. It's not time to panic yet, but despite how well the Mavs have been playing, they are now tied with Denver for 5th/6th in the West, and are only 1.5 games out of having to endure the play-in nonsense. Bad nights happen, but we can't really afford them with the entire conference, GSW and LAL not withstanding, surging.
  7. I'm not going to count any points before they are earned, but it is nice to be in a position to control our own destiny.
  8. I think it's a little early to eat crow, but I have been browsing recipes.
  9. Do not underestimate anxiety. For the past two+ months, I've been dealing with an assortment of symptoms that had me seeing my PCP and multiple neurologists to diagnose the cause of what was thought to be some extreme form of neuropathy with other abnormal nerve behaviors. Severity varied from day-to-day, but during the worst flare ups, I had tingling and numbness to some extent from head to toe, chills, frequent urination, lightheadedness, twitching, unsteadiness while on my feet, hunger, nausea, tiredness, general malaise, and at the worst of times, suicidal thoughts (because who wants to live with all of that). Exercise or even common household activities seemed to exacerbate my symptoms. The only time I felt somewhat normal was while sleeping, and I probably spent at least 50% of my time in bed. I had several blood tests, brain MRI, ultrasounds, and physical examinations. Everything has been coming back as normal. While researching some meds that had been prescribed, I came to the conclusion that we were chasing the wrong cause, and started looking into anxiety. Once I was able to plausibly associate all of my symptoms with anxiety, I immediately felt better. I still have a few lingering symptoms that are obviously caused by poor posture and too much time on the PC, but I have experienced those before, and will address them with massage and PT. It blows my mind how debilitating anxiety can be. Looking back, I can clearly see that I was having panic attacks caused by snowmageddon PTSD, COVID, work stuff, relationship drama, and a host of other "between the ears" baggage. I intend to get some professional help with dealing with anxiety in general, but just recognizing it is a huge part of the battle. I'm more than a bit concerned that none of the professionals in my healthcare circle even suggested it. If my sister hadn't mentioned it to me as something I might want to address at some point, who knows how long I would have gone down the wrong path, continuing a life with no quality whatsoever. Don't live with constant doom and gloom thoughts. It will eat you up eventually.
  10. There's a lot of work still to do, but to be in have CL in the conversation at this point in the season is progress. Nice to have a late goal go in our favor for a change, even if a player on another team gets credited for it.
  11. Those of us who are Texas fans have had plenty of reasons to feel embarrassed by things our coaches, players, or teams have done, but this sure as hell isn't one of them. In this instance, the reaction of some of the fanbase is what's embarrassing. Would I have reacted differently? I definitely would have. So fucking what? Chris Beard is not me, and if you want our basketball program to be successful, you should be thankful for that.
  12. I agree. They'd be tolerable without the half leg stripe and black lettering outline, but that would still leave a lot of orange.
  13. The difference is we know it and can address it, as opposed to having to randomly react to it anytime KP had a hangnail or scraped knee.
  14. Exactly. Committing that much money to a player that can't stay healthy really limits what we could do with him. At the end of the day, we need players who can at least play. Whether we got the best we could is certainly debatable, but I'm okay moving on from KP. Love beating the Clippers.
  15. Spa day, either just for her or a couples thing, depending which you think she would like more.
  16. It takes an engaged fanbase to rush the court. As far as I'm concerned, they can rush the court any damn time they want. When competing for national championships and winning conference titles becomes the expectation, then maybe I'll change my tune, but who cares? This wasn't our baseball team beating Texas Southern to win our 50th game of the season.
  17. Would likely have been a short-lived pass anyway, now that Mitchell is back.
  18. Fucking bipolar team. Get up for the good teams, and down for the scrubs.
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