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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. Brent Venables mother was a hamster, and his father smelt of elderberries.
  2. Brent Venables repeats posts in the Brent Venables thread.
  3. Perhaps it will end up being a blessing in disguise, and he'll be fresh for the second half push.
  4. I know he has ball security issues, and he's just one guy, but this is overly harsh.
  5. If you aren't passing out on the waiting room floor, then you aren't doing it right. At least it got me seen.
  6. I'd definitely be down for some of this. I'm not a fan of Redemption Island or similar second chance options, but if they are going to go with three tribes, they probably need to resort to something resembling it. It's too easy get assigned to a no talent assclown team and be sent home before you have a chance to build any relationships. Random tribals would be awesome, as would occasional surprise double tribals.
  7. Posted in a similar thread, but I used this a couple of months ago and had my renewed passport in a few weeks.
  8. Psych evals either aren't working, or are working exactly as intended. I'm not sure which is true.
  9. STOP posting recruiting updates in the recruiting thread. What the fuck is wrong with you?
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