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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. Keep posting your basketball takes, but for the personal back and forth, do yourself and the rest of us a favor and try this trick. Type whatever you want to say, capturing all the proof you need to make your point, and instead of clicking Submit Reply, delete it all and don't look back. I have done that a number of times on this thread in the past couple of days, this post notwithstanding. Some people are engaging you because they like to watch the world burn. Some are doing it because they have issues with letting things go just as you do. Some don't react well to your often confrontational and belittling style of discussion. Some simply don't know any better. Nothing positive is ever going to come from you continuing to engage anyone when it goes beyond basketball talk and becomes personal. You are occasionally capable of self-evaluating and recognizing how your posts become a negative on the basketball forum. It may be time for another one of those or for you to step away for a few days and focus on the positives in your life.
  2. I'm enjoying it too. I'm not sure why there has been so much criticism.
  3. Arsenal clearly isn't the team for you, otherwise, you'd know better.
  4. I see some optimism for the team that Terry is assembling, but I don't see anyone ridiculing your premise that RT's first team shouldn't be considered contenders. Your money is clearly on the Jayhawks, and if Self's health holds up, you aren't exactly going way out on a limb with that prediction. On the other hand, that 1999 team you referenced was Rick's first season, with a team that had no business competing for anything. Sometimes teams overachieve. The only prediction I'm making is that I'm going to be excited to see how it unfolds.
  5. I agree that Heidi wasted an opportunity. It's been a weird idol season, with only those played for someone else being meaningful. I doubt it happens, but I would love to see an all-Tika final 3. I have no idea who would win in that scenario, but would be okay with any of them.
  6. I definitely agree. Even early exits from other trophy hunts didn't leave is fresh enough to compete with City's depth. We've certainly had worse seasons as far as injuries go, but they really seemed to impact us down the stretch.
  7. Be careful what you wish for with that graph. It only reflects depth for a select few clubs that actually have some. For most, it is an indication that the a club was saddled with injuries or that they were repeatedly throwing shit at the wall hoping for better results. Two of the top three clubs are at the bottom for a reason.
  8. I have the impression that Luka will want to be on a big market team, and wouldn't stay just for the most money. He's the Anti-Dirk.
  9. Why do you keep saying this? You can clearly see the screen reflection glow on the underside of the windshield. You would not see that if the phone were on the outside of the windshield unless it was face down. Also, why didn't Brisket just hang around for 20 minutes? He should have at least left a note on the windshield that said "MESSAGE RECEIVED, I'LL BE THERE."
  10. I think you are underestimating Carolyn. Don't misunderstand, she definitely has some issues, but she has been able to overcome them and play a really solid game. And as I said in an earlier post, we saw last season that odd balls can win. If she makes it to Final Tribal, the only person who could currently beat her is Yam Yam, and even that is unlikely. Things can and probably will change. Tika needs to get rid of Jamie or Lauren next, and then they can start cannibalizing their own.
  11. It sure feels like it is going to be Carolyn or Yam Yam, unless Carson does what he should. I don't know if he has it in him to turn on either of them at this point, especially Carolyn. While in hindsight, she didn't have to play her idol to save Carson, it was absolutely the right move. It may have bought Carson's loyalty for the rest of the game, and it gives the appearance that she engineered the Danny blindside. If Jamie and Lauren voted for Carson, Danny still would have gone home, so they won't get much credit.
  12. Don't spike the ball on the one yard line. If Arsenal fail to earn another point this season, I know who to blame.
  13. First win in a 1-run game since the opening series with Philly. I prefer the 10-run blowouts, but will take any win if necessary.
  14. May as well. Last season proved that a "no way can that person possibly win" person can actually win.
  15. I was just about to post something similar, though I was going to spell their names correctly. Having either on the roster would have been great. The fact that we had both is just ridiculous. I want to believe that they had a lasting impact on the program's culture. I'll take great football players who are also great people all day long.
  16. Sometimes when you break up with the person who you thought was "the one" you actually find the one. Most of the time you end up in a rebound relationship. Even knowing that it is more likely to be the latter, I want to at least enjoy the rebound while I can. There will be plenty of time to feel shitty again once there is a definite reason to do so.
  17. I am a realist. The reality is that Texas just had its best season in over a decade, and as a result, RT was hired. It's done. Reading all the crap about why it was a bad choice, while everyone understands that it was the only realistic option accomplishes nothing, unless you just enjoy raining on the parade. It's not going to change what has already occurred. Sure, it sets you up for some "I told you so" shit later, even though no one is arguing the other side. Expressing why you expect RT to fail doesn't make you a realist. Expecting the worst is the very definition of being a pessimist, just as expecting success at this point would make one an optimist. Being a realist means that you are open to seeing what actually happens when RT has had a reasonable time to do the job that he was just hired to do before deciding one way or another whether hiring him was a good or bad thing for the program. You can still hope for the best while preparing for the worst. Having a positive outlook is good for you. You should try it.
  18. Finally, a little common ground. Of course, in your world, you only want to apply that statement to anything that could be construed as positive. Why? Why do the things that could potentially impact the team in a negative way matter now, but the positive things can only be evaluated after next season? Can we not apply the same critical thinking to both? Oh shit, never mind. I forgot where I was posting.
  19. 1)re-read most of your posts 2)realize how hypocritical, combative, and self defeating they are 3)stop posting like that 4)profit
  20. That makes more sense. I don't expect RT to assemble a team capable of reaching the Final Four year after year. No coach does that. Success in the portal increases the chances of success on the court. Success on the court (along with NIL) increases chances of success in the portal. RT has shown he can manage a good collection of experienced complimentary players. So far, he appears to be capable of getting talent from the portal. Time will tell whether he can continuously attract the right combination of players and get the most out of them.
  21. How does losing Holland impact the following year? You were expecting him to stay for more than one year? If anything, losing Holland potentially helps the following year, as it frees up a spot for someone who might be here longer than he was likely going to be.
  22. There may be a few Rodney foam fingers, but most of us who have been complaining about all the premature negativity are simply Texas foam fingers. Unless the coach is being arrested on suspicion of committing felonies...or worse, winning games should always be the standard.
  23. What about milk and cookies? I tried using the layup method, but my cookie just rolled off the table, and the dog got it.
  24. Since Terry was hired as Head Coach, Texas hasn't won a single game. Even Shaka won some. Why has CDC not fired him yet?
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