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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. We've been 4th since beating West Ham on Wednesday, though both ManU and Spurs can pass us, depending on how they do in all of their in hand matches. Still, it's nice to see the improvement. Last year at this time, we were in 15th, 4 points out of relegation.
  2. United are certainly a contender for fourth, but unfortunately, so are Spurs. Don't let their current place and point totals fool you. They have three games in hand against mostly scrubs. Both teams made good manager changes to keep them in it. The silver lining as far as Spurs are concerned is that all of these postponements are going to compress their schedule, which makes it more likely that they will drop some matches they shouldn't. I'm not optimistic of Arsenal's CL chances, but I'd love to be pleasantly surprised.
  3. If this is actually true, I've lost all hope for this program.
  4. Alabama isn't that stupid or desperate. If this was a serious take, you should be embarrassed.
  5. I just now watched it and am pleased with the result, as I've been on team Erika since she went to exile. That said, like the rest of you, I was surprised by the dominating vote and by Xander giving her the free pass. I thought that Xander carried himself well during the questioning, and expected him to at least make it close, but everyone really seemed to recognize Erika's game and rewarded her for it. It was probably the editing, as it has been terrible for evaluating gameplay all season, but it appeared that Deshawn was essentially a no show at final tribal. In my opinion, he was a distant third, and I was glad to see that most votes were genuinely for gameplay and not to support a social agenda or personal grudge. I've said this already, but I enjoyed this season more than I thought I would.
  6. Why is everyone assuming that his failures are due to unexpected challenges that the NFL presents, and not because he is past his prime? Some desperate school may overlook the fact that he is a shitty human being, and give him a chance to recapture his legacy, but I sure as hell hope it isn't Texas.
  7. You would have preferred that he destroyed his reputation here? WTF is wrong with you?
  8. The season is only a month old. It's going to take time to figure out the best rotations. Nothing about Beard suggests that we will still look like a hot mess on offense in March, but we'll have to wait and see. The good news is that, while there is still room for improvement, the defense is going to keep us in most games.
  9. I've been running Windows 11 for about a month. Other than a few cosmetic issues, most of which I was able to change to my satisfaction, it's been no different than my Windows 10 experience, which was perfectly fine.
  10. The proliferation of posts being Roethlisbergered is a key indicator that the end is near. We are doomed.
  11. Neither team should get anywhere near those point totals, but I'd certainly be okay with that final score.
  12. That's where I got it. Cabbage and onion cookie for you.
  13. Because Cleveland is known for tireless IT support and their love of curry?
  14. Many have certainly expressed some unflattering sentiments toward Deshawn, but I got the impression that his emotional words from last week's tribal may have earned some sincere sympathy and understanding. When it comes down to it, I think they will want to see a person of color win, and that will trump any reasons they have to vote for someone else, with the possible exception of Ricard. We'll see.
  15. I agree on Heather, but I'm not willing to count out Deshawn. There is still an idol afloat, assuming that actually is what is in the package that Danny didn't see. If Deshawn makes it to final tribal, he'll get the black vote, and possibly some others if he sells it, especially if he wins immunity or a fire challenge and sends Ricard home.
  16. I'm not sure how I feel about last night's episode. Deshawn sure is getting a heavy edit, though as we saw with Shan, that may not mean anything and could just be a continuation of the "awareness" theme. It was somewhat ballsy to split the votes, as it could have produced a three way tie if Danny and Deshawn targeted someone other than each other. I guess the revote still would have gone the same way, so it wouldn't have mattered, but it does indicate the level of trust among the current majority alliance. Getting rid of Danny instead of Deshawn feels like a mistake. I have to assume that Ricard engineered that vote, and that the others went along with it to keep the target safely off of themselves. Someone needs to beat Ricard in a challenge, or this thing is over.
  17. Just finished it. As others have said, the music is excellent. My only quibble is that the sex/nudity level seemed deliberately muted compared to the violence.
  18. Ooooooh, that's what she was referring to...now I get it. Username checks out, fucking Roethlisberger fans.
  19. Was about to post the same thing. I have never been able to use the native YTTV app, as I bout my Roku devices after the squabble had started. I'll be interested to see how different it is from the YT linked version.
  20. WTF. We may be more aggy than aggy.
  21. All of the posts in this thread made in September mocking Kansas did not hold up well.
  22. bum bum bum bum bum BUM bum bumby bum bum BUM bum bumby bumby bumbummmm
  23. Dirk was a tireless and selfless worker and teammate. It is going to take much more than a better skill set if Luka is ever going to supplant him has Mavs GOAT. Better skills mean nothing if they aren't used to their potential and don't make the team better.
  24. Seeing Luka's attitude really makes me miss Dirk.
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