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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. Shoal Creek is where my early '90s geology class would go. Ammonites in very rough condition and small fossilized shark teeth were common finds.
  2. I thought we already had an unpopular opinions thread.
  3. I agree about Heather, and she was who I was thinking of when I commented about being white at that tribal. She definitely had a deer in the headlights moment there. I suspect they spent more time than usual (re)filming that, and there was probably some coaching on how to respond to those questions. Xander and/or Erika are going to have to make a move if they want to win. It's encouraging that they at least gave it thought before coming to the correct decision. The winner will be Ricard or the person who can convince the jury that they engineered his elimination, assuming they get that far. This hasn't been my favorite season, but I am enjoying more than expected.
  4. I understand that they want to be more culturally/lifestyle sensitive and that attempting to increase awareness is part of that, but man, I would not have wanted to be a white person at that tribal trying to portray a convincing level of understanding and sympathy. It's a no win situation. And where does Erika fit in to that equation? Does she count as a person of color or is she a person of not the right color? There's no need to respond to any of that, as I don't want to derail Survivor discussion, but it has been difficult to not at least acknowledge the obvious theme of this season without it possibly being offensive. As for the game itself, I think it was the correct move to not target Ricard yet. Voting him out would have evened the alliance numbers at 3, and that's too risky with so many twists. If Xander's extra vote was good for one more week, then I would feel differently. Ricard definitely needs to go at the next opportunity, if there is one. If not, then Erika and Xander aren't playing to win.
  5. It's not that we can't see your point, it's that you feel the need to make it a handful of games into Beard's first season after a game against a scrub team on a Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday. This event was the first of its kind. Getting a super enthusiastic student fanbase isn't going to happen immediately just because Beard is doing way more than any of us expected. I know you are worried that Beard is going to develop a "why should I bother" attitude, but that's not who he is. If he can produce the team he deserves, he will get the fans he deserves. Enjoy the process and let him do what he does. Also, your non-debate needs to be directed at the students. I'm not going to pretend to know the demographics of Surly posters, but I don't think many students post here.
  6. '75 or '76. The former would have had Tovar and Nelson, the latter Beniquez and Pape. It's probably '75.
  7. If it had been up to me it would have been the Cleveland Rocks.
  8. Based on the player numbers on the scoreboard, that looks like a mid-'70s roster. CF-12 Pepe Tovar or Juan Beniquez 2B-5 Dave Nelson or Ken Pape DH-15 Roy Smalley RF-20 Jeff Burroughs 1B-21 Mike Hargrove LF-6 Tom Grieve 3B-7 Lenny Randle SS-11 Toby Harrah C-10 Jim Sundberg
  9. Sundberg was my favorite player growing up as well. Left field bleachers at the old Arlington Stadium for the win. (fuck the Angels)
  10. I was going to say show me a win, but the 2021 season is still fresh.
  11. Meh. Maybe they are a delivery person or have some other gig where they are making frequent stops and interacting with others and don't want to mess with constantly removing/adding the mask. I'm sure there are a few cases where people are being overly cautious, but I suspect most of these we see are for convenience. For me personally, I'd much rather encounter people who wear masks unnecessarily than ones who don't wear them, but should.
  12. What part of COVID-19 2nd wave - Texas only - Stats and such do you fucksticks not understand?
  13. So is everyone else, which is a main reason we are never going to get rid of it. As long as there are ample opportunities for this thing to mutate, we are going to see these super-variants rise and spread. Pray to your gods that we don't get a vaccine-immune, quick-spreading, extremely deadly version.
  14. Ricard is indeed playing well. Let's see if he is able to defend now that he has the biggest target. I think Erika deserves at least a little credit for the way the votes were split. Perhaps she is as sneaky as Shan claimed, and has been doing more behind the scenes than editing has shown. I expect the winner to come from: Ricard Erika Xander (will have to continue relying on advantages and challenge prowess) Deshawn (has ground to make up, but clearly came to play) Maybe maybe maybe: Danny (is likeable enough to win, but unless he starts directing some moves, he's on the outside looking in; essentially has the same résumé as Deshawn, but gives the appearance of being more passive) Not likely to win (one or both are probably going to be taken to final tribal as a non-threat): Heather Liana
  15. For me, it was the day he was named as the new coach.
  16. Anyone else suddenly have Kenny Loggins singing in their head? Is this a vaccine side effect? How do I make it stop?
  17. Got my 3rd Moderna Thursday, felt wiped with sore arm most of yesterday, but am at roughly 95% back to normal today. This is essentially the same pattern I had with shots 1 and 2, though more of a headache this time.
  18. I don't disagree with any of this. I do understand wanting to save the idol to use on himself, but I was really hoping he would save Evvie. I'm not sure a bluff would work after the one he already did on Liana, but as you said, there was no downside. He may not get another chance to get rid of someone in that alliance, and it would have been another good accomplishment to add to the résumé. He may regret not having Evvie's vote to make any future moves. He was likely going to have to find/win more advantages to make it to the end, regardless, but at some point you need allies.
  19. You probably want one for "where's the beef" and "leggo my eggo" too. You don't get checks for using other people's work. At your age, you should know these things. Perhaps you have forgotten.
  20. I expect him to do a lot of tinkering as the season progresses. As others have noted, his goal is for the team to be playing their best ball in March.
  21. I can't argue that, but in this case it's technically from one of the last Boomers. Now get off my lawn...your mother can stay.
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