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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. Is it okay to discuss the Men's basketball team in this thread or is that going to interrupt your two-page discussion on esoteric generation definitions?
  2. These alternative treatment options get more bizarre by the day.
  3. We've seen a lot of questionable strategy this season. Shan is determined to target players who don't appear to be significant threats. The bottom feeders are generally targeting their own instead of making a coordinated effort to take out a major player. Naseer didn't know he was a bottom feeder, which is sort of my point. Heather really blew it last week when she threw Naseer out as a target instead of trying to get him to do something meaningful. The main alliance has shown a few cracks, but when push comes to shove, no one is making a move. I guess they all think it is too early to make the big move and have that target on their back. For those on the Danny bandwagon, what exactly has he done to show that he would be a deserving winner? He seems like a nice enough guy, but he has not driven any eliminations or made any moves at all. If the winner is going to come from the main alliance, I think I would prefer Deshawn.
  4. Yep...same as this season of Survivor, so an appropriate winner. Nonetheless, it won't happen.
  5. I wouldn't mind Danny, but I always like an underdog, so am pulling for Erika. Xander wouldn't upset me either. He has been playing hard, and has dodged some significant bullets.
  6. Good for her. At 89 years old, she doesn't get much action these days. I hope you wiped her ass while you were down there. That's probably not so easy for her.
  7. Am I the only one who has already been doing that?
  8. Since I don't understand a word either of you is saying, I just want to thank you for posting the live photo of your discussion with Murf as your avatar. Visual aids are always helpful.
  9. Naseem, Naseer, Na...gonna work here anymore.
  10. Oh, and kudos to Xander for at least looking for an advantage while on the sit out bench, but poor execution.
  11. I don't think he did it for the calories. I think he sincerely wanted to taste the papaya. In hindsight, he probably should have said "I know I just had some reward food, so it's cool if you say 'no,' but would it be okay if I tasted the papaya," but it didn't occur to him that anyone would get upset over a small bite.
  12. Look who finally decided to play. She almost won an immunity challenge and stirred up some shit at tribal that almost got her sent home, but welcome to the game. She's still a clueless dingbat, but at least viewers may now know who she is. If Heather had half a clue, once she heard her name being tossed around, she should have talked to Evvie, Xander, Tiff, and Erika and targeted Shan. Going after Naseer, and trying to convince his own alliance to roll with it made zero sense.
  13. I think our record is fool's gold, padded by an easy schedule, as others have said. Nonetheless, the only NBA team with fewer losses right now is Golden State. We will have more losses...a lot more as the season progresses, but at least we aren't as bad as the Pelicans, Rockets, or Pistons.
  14. Apparently you are going to have to define "not make it big," because I don't think it means what you or anyone else posting in this thread thinks it means.
  15. What a total shitshow. And what the fuck game is Heather playing? Does she even know she is on Survivor? She'll likely make final tribal all the while thinking she's starring in a Gilligan's Island remake.
  16. Damn. He killed one of the Icy Hot Stuntaz.
  17. So much this. Channel surfing has become nothing more than hopping from one commercial to another. Nothing is watchable in real time. If I can't record it, I can't watch it.
  18. Jason Kidd is the coach. How good were you expecting them to be? My expectations tanked when Kidd replaced Carlisle. The ceiling is probably the 6-seed, and I'll be pleasantly surprised if that happens.
  19. Yep. Devil's Bridge is on my avoid list due to it's tourist popularity. As a shorter hike, it doesn't really fit the OP requirements anyway.
  20. My preference for that type of excursion has always been Sedona, AZ. There are more than enough spectacular hikes in Sedona itself to go several weeks without repeating any, and there is surprising variety experience wise. Flagstaff can be added for even more options. There is an abundance of solid eats, many with spectacular views of the red rocks. It's about a 2hr drive from the PHX airport, or 30ish minutes from Flagstaff. There are no direct flights to Flagstaff from Austin, so I usually fly to Phoenix, and roll in just in time for lunch. Vacation rentals are abundant for most budgets, and may even out number permanent residences at the moment. If you choose Sedona, it can be hot in the middle of Summer. October is ideal, weather wise. Another favorite is Telluride, CO, though it takes almost a full day of travel to get there unless you happen to already live in the Rockies.
  21. The shelf life is 4 years...longer if you refrigerate it.
  22. Change everything about all of them and I might be okay with one of them.
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