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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. idigTexas

    is it bad form...

    You already know the answer to that.
  2. Not only that, assuming a 1:1 relationship of dog to dog stand, she ate over 10 hotdogs a day over those five weeks. I'm getting that "one too many hot dogs" feeling in my stomach just thinking about it, and I love hot dogs.
  3. I love the Screaming Bevo logo but not in combo with the standard logo. I wouldn't mind it featured at center court as an occasional alternative, but I don't using both logos at the same time. The Austin skyline is not iconic enough to be used in any capacity. And who is the dumbass that used saguaro cacti? Using cacti at all is bad, but if you are going to do it, at least stick to something that is abundant in our state and common to Austin. I know there are submissions, but of the four in that link, I prefer the bottom left.
  4. idigTexas

    is it bad form...

    I *69'd your mom last night.
  5. I wish I had a good reason to debate this comment, but I don't.
  6. Yep. There are a bunch of (dis)advantages this season that aren't so great. Too many gimmicks. Shan sure seems to be getting a winning edit. Of course when your tribe goes to tribal council every episode, and you have any personality at all, you are going to get a lot of camera time. I don't think I can name half the blue tribe yet.
  7. Does United let you board with your SWA boarding pass?
  8. There actually is a Pok-e-Jo's still in that area.
  9. I'm assuming that the idol will get re-hidden, and since the entire tribe knows how it works, it will be interesting to see who goes looking for it.
  10. Sure is a lot of discussion over a naked hotdog with a slice of American cheese.
  11. Obvious "Brad episode" edit was obvious. I'm still waiting to find someone likeable.
  12. Ah, that's a different scenario. It was never removed from devices that had it before the spat with Google. My Roku devices have never had the YTTV channel because I bought them while negotiations were ongoing. I expect to be able to add them at some point, but at least I have always been able to use the YT>YTTV option.
  13. I've been on this program for years, but I was actually going to log in this week and try to delete my account.
  14. Lincoln Riley uses lead paint on his walls to keep Radical Larry from vibrating through them.
  15. I'm in the "going for it was the right call" camp. While I wish we had scored there, I'm not as upset as some about the play itself. If we had tried play action, run/pass option, or some other deceptive ploy and it failed, you'd have just as many or more people questioning why we didn't just give the ball to Bijan, who was dominating. This was game 4 in Sark's tenure as coach. I still expect that there is a lot of work to be done and lessons to learn. I'm just glad we are quibbling about how we won rather than why we lost.
  16. This isn't true for me. I bought my Roku Ultra devices right after the feud with Google started, so I've never had the YTTV channel, and it still doesn't show up in search. I have always been able to watch it via the regular YT channel, but I'm looking forward to not having to do that at some point.
  17. Lincoln Riley still insists that Lance Armstrong didn't cheat.
  18. Lincoln Riley drinks his own urine because it is sterile, and he likes the taste.
  19. Lincoln Riley's mother was a hamster, and his father smelt of elderberries.
  20. Lincoln Riley has had sex with South Austin's mom...wait
  21. Lincoln Riley spent his summer throwing cigarette butts out of his car window while driving through every national forest.
  22. Lincoln Riley made out with Bob Stoops while watching Schindler's List.
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