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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. Lincoln Riley posts repetitive shit in the Lincoln Riley thread because he can't be bothered to read it before posting.
  2. Lincoln Riley sends back burnt ends because they are burnt.
  3. Lincoln Riley thinks the best stooge is Schemp.
  4. Lincoln Riley's favorite movies are Star Wars episodes I, II, and III.
  5. You can expect toilet paper ads on all your Google related content now.
  6. Fine, I'll do it. "You can't handle the truth!"
  7. I don't think "tolerant" means what you think it does. I agree that there are certainly a lot of assholes on Fitzhugh road, but not all of them are riding bicycles.
  8. More often that not, it is in need of maintenance, and is full of hazards, as are many bike lanes. There appears to be plenty of money allocated to build these wonderful resources, but not so much to keep them in a usable state. Also, doing 30 circuits of the same mostly flat 3.1mi. circuit is not the same as doing a long ride to remote destinations. It is fine for an after work training ride, but does not provide what the weekend cyclist seeks. Which would you rather do, take a scenic drive to Fredericksburg, or drive around your block 100 times? While it's annoying to locals that the remote country roads have become the destinations of choice for many Austin cyclists, the offend far fewer people than if they stayed in the city, and it is the safer option.
  9. Cyclists have been riding Fitzhugh for years and years. You are acting like they are new to the scene, when it is actually it is most of the drivers.
  10. What compounds the absurdity of Mr. Cool Corvette Douche is that River Rd. has a speed limit of 25 if I recall correctly. It's not like you were significantly slowing him down, and unless it is the height of toobing season, it's always easy to pass. Did you sleep with is wife or something?
  11. That's in Canada, but I agree that they are doing it wrong. I would not ride with a group like that.
  12. Yes. This is exactly what we think...at least after reading some of the comments on this thread.
  13. Fitzhugh is one of the most prized roads to ride in that part of town. Unfortunately, it has become more heavily traveled. When I was still riding it had already become a "Sunday mornings only" ride for me. More and more favorite routes are sadly ending up that way. Austin isn't the sleepy little college town it once was. This has pushed many group rides further into the countryside, where you mostly find two-lane roads with no shoulders, but with far less traffic. As the population continues to boom, "countryside" is disappearing as well, and the rural roads that haven't been improved get more traffic. Cyclists still ride these roads because it is what they know, but it is definitely getting more dangerous, and finding alternative routes is a challenge.
  14. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Now we understand. Hey, everyone, riding on roads is dangerous. We should stop doing that, okay?
  15. The lengths you guys will go to to paint all cyclists with the same brush as the bad apples is not funny. It's sad. And it's not a hobby. It's a lifestyle.
  16. This season has too many convoluted twists. As others have said, the shared immunity thing is ridiculous. The shot in the dark is just as bad. You have to be really sure that you are being targeted to use it, and most votes are blindsides these days. Having a 83.333% chance of losing your vote means only the most desperate are going to risk it. I'm sure it will get used at least once, or they would have just killed it in editing, but it's going to be a "why even have that" thing. The social game has always been the most important factor, but it is even more so this season. I will keep watching, but so far, I'm not enjoying it as much as I usually do.
  17. I'd binge pretty much anything listed in this thread. If there is junk in my house, I will eat it. Thankfully, I can usually resist the urge to buy it. If I'm hungry when I go grocery shopping, all bets are off, and I may end up with one or more of the listed items in my cart. Chips and salsa Central Market cranberry orange oatmeal cookies Central Market cranberry orange scones Dark chocolate covered almonds Jalapeño sausage links and corn tortillas to wrap them
  18. Yes, this is our primary motivation. So we rank recreational cycling somewhere between climbing Mount Everest and being a Formula 1 driver on the list of activities that warrant no sympathy when someone dies while doing these activities. We get it. You personally feel that the risks outweigh all of the actual reasons why countless cyclists choose to do it anyway. No need to keep repeating it.
  19. Motorists being on any road traveling any speed puts everyone in danger. Lets remove all motorists from the roads.
  20. The most populated country in the world says, "check that map again."
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