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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. The Baylor towel really ties it together.
  2. The Rangers could use Sidd Finch, or maybe Haywood Jablome.
  3. I was really hoping that Arteta was a main reason for City's success, or that he had at least learned a few things from Pep. I don't know that he learned anything yesterday, but there's no denying that he was a huge factor in City's performance.
  4. I hit a wall as well, though I don't remember which season. Season 1 connected with me more than the others. My first PC was one of these bad boys that I bought from the employee store while I was still a teenager working an entry level job at TI in the early '80s. "Portable" meant it had a handle, but otherwise, it was a beast.
  5. Epic stage today. Kuss gets in the breakaway and moves back into the top 10 overall. Roglič does just enough to hold onto red. I'm no fan of Movistar, but I've always liked Valverde. It was a bummer to see him crash out.
  6. Yep. That last turn saved him from getting caught, but either way, that was a great stage for Cort. With no Pogačar, the only thing that is going to stop a fit Roglič from completely dominating is bad luck.
  7. This is exactly what happened in today's stage. I'm sure it is a temporary loan, but Jumbo Visma won't have to defend the red jersey for at least a couple of stages. It wasn't a good day for Kuss, but American Joe Dombrowski finished second on the stage. Unfortunately, he was in a crash yesterday, so is still way behind, and was not a legitimate GC contender regardless.
  8. I thought we were going to see Sepp Kuss get a chance as the team leader, but no such luck. Roglič's bad Tour de France left him and the team hungry for a win. Looks like Kuss has been working on his time trial, but still needs to improve if he is going to match his teammate, who appears to be back in top form. Someone who isn't a threat to win the GC is going to have to go out on a successful breakaway in one of these early stages, or Roglič will be in red the whole way. Nice to see Lawson Craddock make an appearance.
  9. I visited over 10 years ago, but was very underwhelmed. For it being the state aquarium, I expected more.
  10. That mostly sounds reasonable. I will continue to defer to sources I trust for guidance on the appropriate actions that vaccinated people should be taking...if I can every figure out who they are. When in doubt, I will wear a mask. Unfortunately, I am in doubt far too often.
  11. So you are okay with unnecessarily adding to the mutation opportunities? Yes, there will be ample chances for new mutations elsewhere in the world, but that doesn't mean we should add to those. I get it, you've done everything you are supposed to do, and it is the anti-vaxxers screwing it up for everyone. Why should you have to go back to wearing a mask when you did the right thing? Because it is the right thing to do. Justifying not wearing a mask in risky situations is no different than those who don't have good reasons for not getting jabbed.
  12. Yay, Wout Van Aert. Dude is my type of cyclist, winning a brutal climbing stage, a race of truth, and a sprint in the same Tour. Only Merckx and Hinault have matched that feat. I expect Eddy to buy Wout dinner, and maybe an F250. I know this Tour lacked a lot of drama due to Pogachar being so dominant, but I still enjoyed the hell out of it. Now let's see what Kuss can do as a GC front man.
  13. Let's not go getting all lathered up just yet, but the fact that we are even in the discussion is exactly what we were hoping for when we hired Beard. I'm not sure that a coach can meet, much less exceed, expectations before a single game is even played, but Beard is certainly giving it a shot.
  14. Awesome ride by Sepp! Really looking forward to see if hew can develop into a real GC contender. We should learn a lot from La Vuelta.
  15. He's on it. I saw him out there with his measuring tape.
  16. He can and he will, because I'm not allowed to have nice things.
  17. I guess I'll be thankful that we can watch every leg. As someone who has been watching faithfully since the late '70s, that wasn't always the case, and commentary was often from someone who had never ridden a bicycle, much less raced one.
  18. I'm sure there is a minor league first baseman with a cursed glove somewhere.
  19. I agree that he is a legend, but being a play-by-play announcer shouldn't be a lifetime gig. Citing Keith Jackson as a precedent makes my point more than yours. Phil was great back in the day, and having Paul next to him really highlighted his strengths, but now he fumbles through everything, misidentifying riders and groups, mispronouncing names, and not being able to calculate time differences. To his credit, it is probably difficult to talk with Cavendish's cock in his mouth. Swap him with the motorcycle reporter, and switch Bob and Christian, and I think that would solve the issue.
  20. And while I am ranting, can we please put Phil Ligget out to pasture already? The next time he correctly identifies a cyclist or country's flag will the first for this tour. I think I also prefer Bob in a lesser role. I miss Paul Sherwen more than ever. Shirley they can find another former cyclist with an accent who can call a race.
  21. Nothing against Cav and his great story, but I hate seeing the most stage wins title going to a sprinting specialist who needs a lot of help on every mountain stage to keep from being disqualified due to his total time. Also, he can only race against people who are there, but Ewan crashing out certainly helped his cause. The sprinting field as a whole seems thinner than any year I can recall.
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