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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. I guess I'll be thankful that we can watch every leg. As someone who has been watching faithfully since the late '70s, that wasn't always the case, and commentary was often from someone who had never ridden a bicycle, much less raced one.
  2. I'm sure there is a minor league first baseman with a cursed glove somewhere.
  3. I agree that he is a legend, but being a play-by-play announcer shouldn't be a lifetime gig. Citing Keith Jackson as a precedent makes my point more than yours. Phil was great back in the day, and having Paul next to him really highlighted his strengths, but now he fumbles through everything, misidentifying riders and groups, mispronouncing names, and not being able to calculate time differences. To his credit, it is probably difficult to talk with Cavendish's cock in his mouth. Swap him with the motorcycle reporter, and switch Bob and Christian, and I think that would solve the issue.
  4. And while I am ranting, can we please put Phil Ligget out to pasture already? The next time he correctly identifies a cyclist or country's flag will the first for this tour. I think I also prefer Bob in a lesser role. I miss Paul Sherwen more than ever. Shirley they can find another former cyclist with an accent who can call a race.
  5. Nothing against Cav and his great story, but I hate seeing the most stage wins title going to a sprinting specialist who needs a lot of help on every mountain stage to keep from being disqualified due to his total time. Also, he can only race against people who are there, but Ewan crashing out certainly helped his cause. The sprinting field as a whole seems thinner than any year I can recall.
  6. No, the fishstick fabric softener guy.
  7. Passing out is half the fun...pussy.
  8. Get back to me when it is final. Arsenal is where done deals go to fall through.
  9. What this doesn't capture is that while Gabe only won one QF, he was top two at least half the time. Dude was one of the best QF performers of all time.
  10. I'm sure timing played a role. Many chefs may have had their hands full trying to keep their places open and keep their staffs paid, and leaving to compete on Top Chef wasn't something they were willing to do under the circumstances. I'm just spitballing here. Obviously, I have no idea how any of this went down.
  11. I've been saying this all season. COVID obviously had a lot of impact on several aspects of the season, first and foremost the list of willing participants.
  12. Nope regular Naked and Afraid episode...probably a rerun.
  13. Matt needs to go to the Olympics. I call bullshit on that big raft. It was the most stable and buoyant bush raft I've ever seen. It didn't even wobble when Rylie hopped onto it. I want to see what is really under those palms, because I don't think it is just a few limbs lashed to two medium sized trunks. Regardless, I enjoyed the episode and the season. Bunch of badasses.
  14. Because there's no way that the judges could possibly know that she made them? I always assume the judges know what happens in the kitchen and that many of their questions and comments are intended to see how much integrity a chef has.
  15. I had the same impression, and like your ferrying plan better than mine.
  16. It was impressive. I wonder if they had any help with it?
  17. Well shit. I'm usually a stickler for spelling names correctly too. I'll try to get over this mental block. I hope Rylie isn't offended.
  18. It's always so convenient how the separate tribes always seem to find each other after wandering for hours. I'm wondering if they are going to try to use that dugout to shuttle the 5 new arrivals cross the channel one at a time. Max picks up Riley Riley returns solo to pick up Jeff, who screams the entire time Riley returns solo Matt crosses solo (dude is big, better safe than sorry) Jeff returns solo to pick up Riley, while still screaming Riley returns solo to pick up Steven Riley returns solo to pick up Ryan Since EJ and Max were just starting on their shelter, do they scrap it for a big one that holds 7? Or perhaps 6, with Jeff left to build a screaming shack for himself?
  19. Yep. It is extremely rare that a preview should be taken at face value.
  20. I love this idea. It would work for many things but not all. Sauces and such would be difficult to fully remove and not taste, depending on how they are plated.
  21. Good points about the sous vide. I recall her claiming that the water was initially too hot, and she was adding ice to it. Unless it had been preheated for general use as a courtesy to the chefs, why was the water too hot? Also, regarding overall of lower quality of this season, remember that they filmed it during the pandemic. This has had many impacts on the show, including the chefs not being allowed to do their own shopping. I'm surprised that they were allowed to get out and about as much as they were. Having a set of judges on hand whose health could be monitored was something that made production easier. I haven't minded that part myself, but I don't expect it to be a regular thing unless we continue to have similar global health crises.
  22. That was not an unexpected or undesired outcome, but I am tired of seeing Dawn get a pass for incomplete plates. She is clearly a good chef and has apparently been making some great dishes, but she has had issues with time management the entire season. I always cringe when someone says that another chef helped them plate (aside from 50+ serving challenges where having a single plater could impact the temperature/quality). It emphasizes that they suck at time management, and comes off like they are trying to blame someone else for their mistake. While I would accept Dawn winning, barring an obvious "judges got it wrong" scenario, I would prefer Gabe or Shota.
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