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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. Does he actually need NAT, or just an internet connection? Unless he is hosting a gaming server, he should only need a connection, in which case, there is nothing to be gained my segregating his activities unless you want him behind his own router for your protection. Multiple wifi setups may interfere with each other if they are close enough, but it isn't clear that this is what you are trying to do. It sounds like to me that you just have a bad wall jack. If his computer works when connected to his router when the router is connected directly to the modem, then it should work when connected via the wall jack. Is he connecting to his router via CAT5 or wifi? If he is connecting via wifi, then leave your router off and see if he can connect, if he can, then you have wifi interference. Can anything connect via the wall jack?
  2. There sure is a lot of angst over one unverified report that there was an official interview that only lasted 15-20 minutes. Was that handheld or FAT, and had the timing devices been recently calibrated? We have zero idea of what was actually discussed. We have zero confirmation regarding the length of the interview. There have been zero reports that either side is in any way upset by the interview. Does every coaching search have to be like this? NARRATOR: It does.
  3. I thought we were all banging 10s.
  4. There you go...hit 'em while they are still sleeping.
  5. I don't know if it is a generational thing or just a normal characteristic of most fanbases, but it has been well established that at least half of the Surly populace would make better ADs than CDC, all while coaching the football and men's basketball teams to multiple National Championships, curing COVID, solving the border crisis, and opening the best barbecue/Tex-Mex/burger joint in the world. It's science.
  6. It's BURnet, DURN it, LEARN it! (RIP, Dr. Terry Jordan)
  7. zero big dance wins this should not be our standard falling spring blossom
  8. I assume you understand the reference, but not what it is implying? It's a somewhat thinly veiled "South Austin's mom" joke in which "ladyfriend" is your mom. Or, it is implying something else entirely, in which case, I don't get it either.
  9. No no no no no. Yes, we need to make a change. No, it absofuckinglutely should not be Rick Pitino. Winning may be the most important standard, but it should never be the only one.
  10. The quotes did tip me off, but only after I read the article. I do not think that the average reader is going to notice the quotes beforehand, or that doing so will lead to an immediate understanding of the article's subject matter. Obviously, a recovering journalist might think it more obvious. My issue is that I was initially expecting to learn that Bradley wasn't actually paralyzed or that the article would at least focus on him. Other than a sentence or two, that's not at all what I got. Also, it seems like a shitty thing to do to cash in on a celebrity's misfortune. I understand that sensationalist and deliberately misleading headlines are nothing new. That doesn't mean I have to like it, even if I agree with what is being said. For me, the message gets watered down because of the bad taste in my mouth from being misled by the headline. I want people on my side of the argument to take the high road, and not be compared to obnoxious assclowns like Stephen A. Smith or Skip Bayless. As for suggesting that the author needed Bradley's permission, that's not what I said or even implied. I said that if Bradley was on board with his life changing event being used in this manner to increase awareness, then it would change my opinion. That may seem like a semantic argument to you, but I see a distinction. Shawn Bradley's Life-changing Tragedy Highlights Continued Miss-use of the Term "Bicycle Accident" would have made the point. Yes, yes, too wordy, but I'm not a journalist, not even a recovering one. Shawn Bradley's Paralysis Wasn't Caused by a "Bicycle Accident" would have been fine as well.
  11. No condescension intended. You just posted an article link with no context or comment whatsoever. My first thought when I read the headline was, "oh shit, Bradley isn't actually paralyzed." I thought you might have assumed the same thing and were rushing to get the news out there without actually reading the article itself, because, you know, that never happens. As for the article, I already said that I agreed with the sentiment, but the author's blatant use of a misleading headline really rubbed me the wrong way in this instance, even if the intent was to increase page views of a worthwhile issue. On the other hand, Bradley may actually be cool with it, wanting his misfortune to at least raise awareness. If that's the case, then I'd be happy to issue a retraction. If it was done without Bradley's approval, then I stand by my original statement.
  12. I hope you did not misinterpret the title without actually reading the article. What a waste of words. That's a fine example of shitty opportunist soapbox "journalism," and isn't about Shawn Bradley at all. As a cyclist, I understand and agree with the point of the article, but not the way it was made.
  13. Paraplegia, so waist down. He needs to watch Penguin Bloom for some inspiration.
  14. I'm surprised that there hasn't been a single word since his team's hard fought heartbreaking defeat on Sunday. He's usually very reliable when pointing Arsenal's valiant efforts, especially when they come up just a little short. I'm sure he's just composing the right words to capture the inspiring spursy performance that will surely lead to dominating march to the top 4.
  15. How many games will it take for us to score 17 runs once the regular season starts? O/U of 7?
  16. Yeah, it is great, though I'm not sure if Amazon Prime watchers will notice it in this thread.
  17. I was finally able to get my arm examined today. I have two small fractures, one on the head of the radius, and the other on the triquetral (one of the carpals/wrist bones). No surgery or cast required. I'll continue to wear a splint on the wrist. I start PT next week. Healing time should be 6-8 weeks, and full recovery in 10-12. I was able to drive myself to the orthopedist without too much difficulty. The broken pipe was fixed Monday, so other than the challenges of one-arming it, things are pretty much back to COVID normal. Hope the same is true for everyone else.
  18. That about sums it up for me. It did not meet my expectations.
  19. Thanks to phdhorn, I should be set for drinking water until the city supply is flowing again in South Austin. Neighbors should keep me hydrated after that until I can get a plumber. The worst of times brings out the best of surly. I hope to pay it back or forward at some point.
  20. Surly is so awesome. If delivering to South Austin is doable, I'd be very welcome of some bottles. It's just me, and I still have enough for a couple of days, so if there is greater need, take care of others first.
  21. Thanks for asking. There still aren't any reasonable options for getting it examined, so I continue to wing it, so to speak. Upon closer inspection there is actually some swelling at the elbow, but it isn't horrible. Range of motion is improving daily, and I am able to put on a beanie with two hands now if I bend down far enough...I could not do that until a short time ago (try putting on a beanie with one hand). I can hold light objects, but that's about it. I can also type with both hands again so that is significant progress. I don't trust it to drive yet, but maybe in another day or two. It's my non-shifting arm, so that helps. I have not been able to rest it too much, as collecting snow melt for toilet flushing was the priority of the day. I am thinking it is just a bad sprain, but will still get it checked when it's doable. Still have drinking water to get me through the weekend. Hoping by then, delivery will be an option, or that the water is back on in my neighborhood so I can steal from neighbors who didn't experience broken pipes. tldr: I'll live, but still owie.
  22. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise. Nerve and circulation are fine so far as long as I don't rest my inner elbow on a hard surface or over-tighten the wrist splint.
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