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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. So let me get this straight. You don't want to discuss addressing the issue in children because they they won't be in the "certain demographic" in time to be relevant to the current COVID pandemic, yet you believe that those who are currently in this higher risk group can make enough lifestyle changes to impact their susceptibility to a meaningful extent? Brilliant.
  2. Yep. That won't stop a large segment of the fanbase from blaming CDC if Urban doesn't take the job.
  3. I agree that the Beards are the favorites, but not by much. The NFLers would already be gone if not for the alliance. If they win, I would be very disappointed.
  4. While I completely agree with you, I am compelled to counter with the challenge to show me one fan site for any sports team that isn't full of assholes who think they would do a better job as AD, HC, OC, DC, or even AC/DC.
  5. I wish they would tell us how far behind the last team to arrive was. I would like to know whether the yield made any difference. I strongly suspect that it did not, and that Leo and Alana were at least 30 minutes behind Aparna and Eswar, regardless of the production shenanigans that are about as convincing as the notion that Lloyd Christmas might actually end up with Mary Swanson. Pro tip, give us a surprise ending more than once every blue moon. Then maybe we will actually believe that it's close at the finish. Teams that I want to win: Kaylynn and Haley Hung and Chee Teams that I think can win: Hung and Chee Riley and Maddison Will and James Teams I want to see eliminated post haste: Will and James Gary and DeAngelo
  6. I was thinking they could hire a cab to lead them there, but still drive their own vehicle. Is that allowed? I'm on Team Nerd as far as their feud with Will and James goes, but I don't like them as much as I thought I would.
  7. My DVR didn't record last night because it thought it already had last week when CBS changed their mind. Luckily I caught it 15-minutes into the episode. I cannot imagine driving around for hours and hours, trying to find a destination that is 10 minutes away. I think at some point, you have to pay for a cab to lead you there, assuming you have the money for it. At least it allowed the blondies to survive.
  8. Was coming to post the same thing. Nick Frost is the buddy.
  9. If you think this is a new low, you haven't been paying attention.
  10. Fuck 2020. So sad to lose the best in the business.
  11. Grendel says, "hold my golf clubs and three named bicycles." Oh wait...reasonable man. Never mind.
  12. Agreed. It makes almost no sense strategically, and I don't recall seeing a reason why payback for something would be in play.
  13. Had one delivered via DoorDash. It wasn't inedible, but was definitely not the Fletcher's experience I was craving. I'll hold out for the next time I make it to the fair.
  14. Buy MP3s from Amazon (choose the "buy MP3" option not "Listen with Music Unlimited." Download the files to your PC or device. Use any number of apps to manage MP3s on your device. Amazon will keep track of what you have bought, but once you have the MP3 file, it doesn't matter. I am using MusicBee to manage my MP3 library, but there are others that may be better suited for what you want to do.
  15. Meh, I can't hate him because of this, but he does try my patience.
  16. Any player than makes Roger Murdock drag them up and down the court all night deserves all the accolades they get.
  17. Hey Zeus Kreesto, this thread is a beating. Any blind dead horse can see in the replay that the ball was headed straight out of bounds or stopping short of 10 yards. Only a poorly coached player would have attempted to recover it. Whether possessed by the bullet that killed JFK, blown by Santa Ana winds, diverted by divine intervention, or steered by a glob of Vaseline from Charlie Hough's cap, the ball made a sudden miraculous turn that resulted in it travelling the required 10 yards. It totally caught the Falcons flat footed, and they still almost made the recovery. Was it a low percentage kick? Um, yeah...just like every other onside kick in the history of American football. Did the Cowboys get lucky? Um, yeah....just like every other kicking team that has ever recovered an onside kick. Is Zeurlein some sort of trick shot kicking genius who can replicate this feat on demand, or was it blind luck? Time will tell, but who gives a shit? No matter how good a kicker is, it will still take a lot of luck for an onside kick to be successful. I suggest that the Cowboys only try it when absolutely necessary (such as last Sunday), or in rare surprise situations. Should the Cowboys need a successful onside kick to beat the Falcons? "Should's" got nothing to do with it. Take the win (or loss), you ridiculous pussies.
  18. On the plus side, your kid will have instant game.
  19. I made the mistake of watching the Amazon Prime series first, which I thoroughly enjoyed, especially season 1. Subsequently, I found the film to be almost unwatchable. A series is almost always going to have more depth, but in this instance, I found the acting and minor plot differences be be superior as well. One of the biggest disappointments in the film was Cate Blanchett. Her portrayal of Wiegler pales in comparison to that of Mirelle Enos. Advice to those who have not seen either, start with the film, then progress to the series.
  20. Is there a clear can't miss number 1 on the draft board? One of the Vandy pitchers? Someone else? Is choosing 4th as good as first this year?
  21. Fuck. Thanks a lot, dude. I guess I can work until I'm dead.
  22. Wow. I love a late race of truth to decide the TdF. Your team doesn't matter, even if Pogacar was way over the top in praising his.
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