I completely agree. I knew which team was going to win as soon as they were determined. David always beats Goliath in these things. As much as I like Gabe, Sara, and Dawn, that was really fun to watch a true team effort take out a bunch of strong individuals with no game plan. I was a bit surprised that Gabe did not take charge.
Based on editing before the dishes were served, I thought it was going to be Dawn going home, but once they tasted, she was obviously safe. An argument could have been made for any of the other three, so I was hopeful that it would come down to body of work and that Chris would finally be shown the door. Booooo. Ultimately, Sara's "strong dish" was probably the weakest, and her "weak dish" likely was as well. I haven't watched LCK yet, but I'll be pulling for her.
It was nice to see Good Shota this week, and I was happy Maria brought it. We'll see if she has truly turned a corner. I prefer to see everyone do well, and have people go home for cooking really good food that was beaten by even better food. That becomes more likely as the number of chefs dwindle.