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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. I don't wonder at all. Of course he is. Just like any other elite coach that inherits another staff's players.
  2. I've been a fan of this team since they moved to Arlington from DC, and probably still have a Dr. Pepper Jr. Rangers membership card and Jeff Burroughs signed mini-bat somewhere around here. I have never given up on any team, always having been a "fan for life" person. That said, I find this team challenging my faith. For the first time in my life, I am considering dumping a franchise from my lineup. One would think that if I can put up with Jerry Jones for this long, I can tolerate anything. Between a mascot that appears to be steeped in racism, to the fucking disaster that is the new stadium, to the complete lack of any discernible plan to improve the product on the field, to a roster that is devoid of role models and likeable personalities...there's nothing here to generate any optimism whatsoever. Maybe it's the age of COVID making it difficult to find excitement in anything right now, but fuck, this team is beating what little joy I have right out of me.
  3. This makes me sad. I have always loved the name, and felt it was one of the best among all the major sports. I can't speak for anyone else, but I had no idea of the history of the organization for which the team was named. If all of that is true (I have no reason to doubt any of it), then I would be all for changing the name. I can't imagine calling them anything else. I'm not feeling very creative at the moment. "Texas Racists" probably isn't the way to go.
  4. I thought the Heart Attacks had to back out and were replaced by Deep Lung Infection.
  5. Mine is also slightly used. Do you have a maximum size requirement?
  6. The protests are likely a contributing factor, but there are significant numbers of other people who have completely returned to a pre-COVID state of mind.
  7. I think what he is saying is that many of the protesters aren't the only people who have not been practicing social distancing and wearing masks when the situation calls for them.
  8. I don't have anything to add to what has already been said, so will just repeat it Great finale. Great season.
  9. I suppose you should be thankful that at least he chose to shit in the woods?
  10. Come on. The guy was married to a stripper. If he wants to use "grammar" as a verb, so be it.
  11. Don't exaggerate. Nothing could be that bad.
  12. I'm rooting for Stephanie, but I'm expecting Melissa. Of course I would not be at all surprised by Voltaggio or Blais.
  13. I just finished it a couple of days ago. I found the very deliberate pace to be a little annoying, but enjoyed it over all. I was disappointed that no one seemed to care that Gaddis One was missing from his universe. The retro vibe reminded me of Lost, while the music had me channeling The Leftovers.
  14. My Corsair Hydro Series did not come with extra paste, and I stupidly removed the protective plastic cover before mounting the fans to the radiator. When I was done, most of the paste was on my leg. Luckily, I had a tube left over from my last project, so I didn't have to stop mid-build to go get some.
  15. The point I was attempting to make is that, while the pre-applied paste is perfectly adequate, sometimes shit happens and it can easily be wiped off. Trust me. I have personal experience with this. Also, if you have to remove the heat sink for any reason, you may need to reapply. I guess it is easy enough to pick up some at Micro Center if needed.
  16. One other thing about water cooling versus traditional fans. Current entry level water cooling solutions (Corsair makes several) really aren't any more difficult to install than a fan. The most complicated part is determining which set of brackets/clips/screws/backplates/etc. are needed for your particular socket and motherboard. You will face this with any aftermarket fan or water cooling system. If you are planning to use the fan that comes with your CPU, make sure you order a retail box and not OEM. Also, while it is a good idea to buy a little tube of thermal grease. It is way too easy to accidentally wipe off the existing grease patch from the heat sink that comes with whatever cooler you choose.
  17. If you are doing a lot of processing of your photos in PhotoShop, GIMP, or some other graphics app, then memory and number of CPU cores are going to be more important than the video card. If you are just cataloging your photos, then these factors aren't so important. As noted above, you want the most video card you can afford if gaming is your priority.
  18. This is what I built last October. https://pcpartpicker.com/user/idigTexas/saved/#view=b9wdD3
  19. Good point. They do updated guides monthly, but yes, that particular article is a bit long in the tooth now.
  20. A great reference if you have a specific budget: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/best-pc-builds,4390.html Also, yes just buy the fucking MS license.
  21. The Birdcage and Hamlet. I did not regret walking out of either of them. My tolerance for mediocre films must have been high in 1996.
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