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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. I hope you did not misinterpret the title without actually reading the article. What a waste of words. That's a fine example of shitty opportunist soapbox "journalism," and isn't about Shawn Bradley at all. As a cyclist, I understand and agree with the point of the article, but not the way it was made.
  2. Paraplegia, so waist down. He needs to watch Penguin Bloom for some inspiration.
  3. I'm surprised that there hasn't been a single word since his team's hard fought heartbreaking defeat on Sunday. He's usually very reliable when pointing Arsenal's valiant efforts, especially when they come up just a little short. I'm sure he's just composing the right words to capture the inspiring spursy performance that will surely lead to dominating march to the top 4.
  4. How many games will it take for us to score 17 runs once the regular season starts? O/U of 7?
  5. Yeah, it is great, though I'm not sure if Amazon Prime watchers will notice it in this thread.
  6. I was finally able to get my arm examined today. I have two small fractures, one on the head of the radius, and the other on the triquetral (one of the carpals/wrist bones). No surgery or cast required. I'll continue to wear a splint on the wrist. I start PT next week. Healing time should be 6-8 weeks, and full recovery in 10-12. I was able to drive myself to the orthopedist without too much difficulty. The broken pipe was fixed Monday, so other than the challenges of one-arming it, things are pretty much back to COVID normal. Hope the same is true for everyone else.
  7. That about sums it up for me. It did not meet my expectations.
  8. Thanks to phdhorn, I should be set for drinking water until the city supply is flowing again in South Austin. Neighbors should keep me hydrated after that until I can get a plumber. The worst of times brings out the best of surly. I hope to pay it back or forward at some point.
  9. Surly is so awesome. If delivering to South Austin is doable, I'd be very welcome of some bottles. It's just me, and I still have enough for a couple of days, so if there is greater need, take care of others first.
  10. Thanks for asking. There still aren't any reasonable options for getting it examined, so I continue to wing it, so to speak. Upon closer inspection there is actually some swelling at the elbow, but it isn't horrible. Range of motion is improving daily, and I am able to put on a beanie with two hands now if I bend down far enough...I could not do that until a short time ago (try putting on a beanie with one hand). I can hold light objects, but that's about it. I can also type with both hands again so that is significant progress. I don't trust it to drive yet, but maybe in another day or two. It's my non-shifting arm, so that helps. I have not been able to rest it too much, as collecting snow melt for toilet flushing was the priority of the day. I am thinking it is just a bad sprain, but will still get it checked when it's doable. Still have drinking water to get me through the weekend. Hoping by then, delivery will be an option, or that the water is back on in my neighborhood so I can steal from neighbors who didn't experience broken pipes. tldr: I'll live, but still owie.
  11. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise. Nerve and circulation are fine so far as long as I don't rest my inner elbow on a hard surface or over-tighten the wrist splint.
  12. I'm in Southhampton Hills, one of the small neighborhoods between, Brodie, William Cannon, West Gate, and Davis. Power returned around midnight last night after ~24hrs without it in a 100% electric home with no fireplace. Temp inside was 50 at reconnect. Was awakened around 3am to the sound of rushing water and discovered a growing pool in my bedroom. Ran outside to shut off water, and slipped and fell on the ice, injuring my arm. Doesn't seem bad enough for 911 with other people in greater need. Cannot find any urgent care nearby that is open or even answering phone. Calls to SignatureCare Austin Emergency Room get disconnected immediately. Is anyone in the area able to get eyes on it to see if it is actually open? Some pain to touch on elbow, but mostly just discomfort and limited motion at elbow and wrist. No noticeable swelling. No obvious broken bones. I can wiggle fingers and make weak fist. Rotation is very very limited, but all range has improved slightly throughout the day. I made a sling from a t-shirt, and happened to have a wrist splint. Would have a neighbor drive me to urgent care if it's open, but don't want to risk a longer drive nor take up valuable hospital ER resources unless things worsen. Call and message to primary care for advice have gone unreturned. On a long waiting list for plumber to fix pipe, as I understandably could not find any who were willing to brave the roads in order to work. Neighbor was providing water, but lost theirs to city pressure issues several hours ago. Kicking myself for not having the foresight to expect a leak and no water, but too late now. I should have enough to get me through tomorrow, but unless neighbor gets water again, it will get grim. I live alone and drive a stick, so doing things for myself or driving anywhere is a challenge under the circumstances. Once the roads improve, I can rely on friends in other parts of town. Until then, I am coping, and know others are in worse shape. Nonetheless, if the power goes out again, I will lose my shit, though I won't be able to flush it without melting snow. tldr: 2021 also sucks, but not as much as OU.
  13. For those who might be interested in my used Concept 2, it found a good home with another surly member.
  14. You're doing it wrong. You are supposed to give CDC all of the blame when things don't go well, and when they actually do work out, which is obviously an extremely rare occurrence under his watch, you are supposed to emphasize how he single-handedly almost caused an epic failure, and that all successes are in spite of his involvement. Get it right next time.
  15. Hmmmm, it's a damn shame when a phrase takes on new meaning to the point that using it sincerely causes confusion.
  16. You also undersold the soundtrack, though its enjoyment may be a generational thing.
  17. What part of the "nerdery is that way >>>>" do you dipshits not understand?
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