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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. Who is Dickerson?
  2. You are right. For some reason I thought I saw Teeny holding a Genevieve vote during the credits. Never mind. Teeny continues to be completely lost. That makes me feel better about Rachel. I thought telling Sue about her idol might have been a mistake, but it appears that it was the right move.
  3. I did not have "Sue and Teeny sniff out the truth to eliminate Genevieve, leaving Rachel on the wrong side of the vote" on my bingo card. It won't be enough to sway the jury unless Rachel doesn't make the final three, but at least they both finally did something to significantly impact the game. I was beginning to think that we might actually end up with Genevieve versus Rachel at final tribal, which would have been an epic showdown, but no such luck. That's a really good question. For me, an idol only counts on one's résumé if it is played in an impactful way (playing it or threatening to play it to produce a desired vote). Kudos to Sue for finding it and keeping it a secret to all but Caroline, but she missed multiple opportunities to put it to good use and to establish herself as a real player. I'm hoping for an all girls final tribal, just to hear Teeny's and Sue's arguments for winning. It's unlikely, as Sam can probably win a fire challenge, but at least we'll get to hear one of them try to make a case.
  4. I don't read any fan sites or listen to any blogs, but I'm not sure I agree with him. It really depends on your situation. What if Caroline had won the reward, and taken Andy with her? If that had happened, she is likely still in the game, with either Genevieve or Rachel likely being out. I do not think winning that reward hurt Sam's chances to win at all. In fact, it probably gave him a much better chance to win.
  5. Corrected.
  6. Yep. It's the logical move if Rachel, Sue, and Teeny stick together, especially since they are aware of Rachel's steal a vote advantage. No one knows Rachel has an idol, and now that Caroline is out, I think hers is unknown as well. Sue shouldn't need hers to save herself, but it may still be a factor if someone else can gain her trust.
  7. I completely agree. They are certainly aware of his game now, and I can't wait to see what he does from here. He has to be seen as the biggest threat, and completely untrustworthy. That is going to make it a lot tougher to convince anyone to work with him, which is why think he is next to go (assuming no immunity win). We'll see. This is the best season in a long time.
  8. That's a good thought, but I have to agree with @UncleSonny on this one. There's no way anyone is throwing an opportunity to win immunity at this stage. They are definitely thinking about end game, but that's not going to outweigh surviving the next vote. The reward challenge is another matter. I know Rachel was relieved to not win it. Did she throw it? I want to believe that Rachel would have used one of her advantages to secure her safety, but I was happy to not test that. We know Caroline and Sue felt safe. Rachel may have as well. Andy, Sam, and Genevieve did a great job.
  9. That was a really good episode, even though I was hoping the plan would fail. They missed an opportunity by not calling it the Italian Job. Being on Team Rachel, I was relieved when she won immunity. Andy finally demonstrated without a doubt that he is playing a really good game, and not just doing so in his head. Most importantly, the jury picked up on it. He joins Rachel and Genevieve in the group who can win. I'm not sure that Rachel or Genevieve would beat Andy if Final Tribal were happening at this point in the season, but it isn't, so I think the presumed showdown we saw in the preview happens after they vote him out (he's probably next to go). I agree on Sue and Teeny playing with too much emotion, but I would not lump Caroline in with them. She was leveraging Sue's emotion to gain her trust to use her vote and advantages. Unfortunately, she did not pick up on the ruse, and did not get to make use of Sue's idol. This actually works out well for Rachel, as I think she has Caroline's vote, and didn't have to get her hands dirty.
  10. There's a solution for that. Unfortunately, it doesn't work worth a shit when people keep quoting him.
  11. I hope so, but any current alliances are out of convenience more than loyalty, and can easily be blown up to further one's game. Even if Caroline, Rachel, and Sue stick together for another week, I could see Genevieve easily convincing Sam, Andy, and Teeny that now is the time to make a big move. She would be right, so it could be an easy sell.
  12. I'm a little surprised that there wasn't more effort to get rid of Genevieve, but Kyle was the easy vote. It also keeps Sue happy, which is especially important for Caroline's game.
  13. I'll give Sark a call and let him know that this game is important.
  14. Tough crowd. I liked all of it. Mavs uniforms and logos have been underwhelming for most of their existence. This combo is one of the better ones.
  15. I wouldn't say that ALL I care about is tournament success. What I have said is that if I had to choose one or the other, I prefer tournament success over gaudy regular season records. Ideally, I would like Texas to have both, as one often translates to the other, and I like winning. I don't see the point in feeling outraged about our schedule, as I have no idea how or why it was determined. We are winning games we are supposed to win, and our conference is plenty good enough to present ample opportunities to test ourselves. Barnes loves a difficult schedule. It can also be said that his Texas teams were worn down by the end of the season. It is probably just a coincidence, but maybe it isn't. How did all of those difficult matchups help his tournament success? I do agree that there is room to improve the competition without having to face ranked opponents every week.
  16. After almost a week of unsuccessfully farming runes for the last one I needed to craft Tyrael's, I decided to go ahead and jump to Torment 3. As was my experience when moving from 1 to 2, it was a bit of a struggle with a few "what the fuck just insta-killed me" occurrences. It was worth it, as got the rune within a couple of hours, and was able to put together a workable Touch of Death build. It uses a lot more uniques than the QV variants, which works better for me, as I have more luck getting those than ancestral legendaries with the preferred affixes. I'm sure something will take me down soon enough, but I don't think I have even taken any damage so far, and Pit levels that were challenging my QV are a breeze. I still have about 80 Paragon levels to go and some equipment upgrades to work on, but I can at least enjoy all that Torment 3 has to throw at me without having to constantly watch my health bubble, which is how I prefer to roll. I think I'm good armor and resistance wise for Torment 4, but will definitely need to up my damage. I don't know if I will reach Pit L150 before the season ends, but that's not as important to me as enjoying the game, which I am. As I'm still relatively new to D4, I'd also like to reach 100% renown in all areas (have only managed Fractured Peaks so far), so I have plenty of diversions to keep the game entertaining. In the least, I should have a lot more crafting materials stockpiled before the next season, which will make things a lot easier.
  17. I finished all the season stuff a week or so ago myself. I've been trying to get my gear upgraded so I can move from Torment 2 to 3 without having to take too much of a resistances hit, but I have not been particularly lucky with drops or gambling. I think I have most of what I need to transition from Quill Volley to Touch of Death, so I may give that a shot, but I'm a few key pieces short of being able to maximize the build. I agree with you on the campaign story, though I do like seeing Kurast added. It has always been my favorite in previous Diablo versions.
  18. The sad part is the Sue genuinely thinks she looks good. I'd like to see what she would look like if she hadn't had all of that work done. I suspect it would be better, or at least not cringe-inducing.
  19. Yes. Sue and Rachel both have immunity idols. No other advantages are currently in play. I can still see anyone winning except Sue. The most likely scenario is that only one (at most) of Genevieve, Caroline, Kyle, and Rachel will make it to the end. Genevieve and Kyle have the toughest paths to winning, as they are the biggest targets. Kyle's odds just got a little better, as Gabe was one of the better challenge competitors. Caroline and Rachel both have the game to win if they can survive Genevieve and each other. Rachel has the advantage of having an idol, but obviously she will need to play it at the optimal time. For Andy, Sam, or Teeny to win, Genevieve, Caroline, Kyle, and Rachel will all need to be gone. If that happens, then whoever did the most to engineer that will be the likely winner. Unfortunately, we are going to have to look at Sue the rest of the way, as she is a lock to make final tribal.
  20. Don't confuse being hopeful with expectation. As far as wins and losses go, I agree with you. As for tournament success, we'll see, but I like what Terry has done so far, limited data points notwithstanding. As a fan, I want both, but forced to pick one, I'll take success in the tournament. That is where Barnes underachieved at Texas in my opinion, and where Terry can potentially match, if not exceed him. The math will get fuzzy if Terry gets us into the tournament less often but has a better tournament winning percentage. I'm not judging Terry for what he did before he was head coach here. I'm simply hoping that he can do more with the resources that he now has. That is not hyperbole, it's guarded optimism. This is why I'm in "wait and see" mode rather than expecting him to fail. As a Texas fan, it's a lot more fun pulling for the guy than lamenting the fact that he got the job.
  21. I think this is where many of us are. I doubt anyone believes that Terry belongs on the Mt. Rushmore of men's basketball coaches, but there is something to be said about getting to the tournament every year, and actually winning some games. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't want to be at the pinnacle of the sport, but it's premature to assume that Terry can't at least be as successful as Barnes. He's already exceeded what Shaka accomplished here, and that guy got 5 years.
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