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Everything posted by idigTexas

  1. I think what confused him, and me too until I remembered you went to SMU, was the use of "our ladies."
  2. If the time were right several weeks ago, it would have happened then. Again, I have no reason to doubt CDC at this point. Unless we find out later that Urban Meyer would have taken the job if it were offered several weeks ago, but CDC decided to wait to see how the season played out, resulting in Meyer taking another job, then I'll be happy to eat some crow. Just because things aren't happening on your timetable doesn't mean that they aren't being done the way that they need to be.
  3. Chicken tomatillo tamales Refried black beans Lime cilantro rice Grilled corn Guac with chips Key lime pie
  4. Does the evidence really suggest that we don't give a shit? If we didn't give a shit, Mack never would have been fired. The evidence suggests to me that we definitely give a shit, but that we have made poor choices when hiring football coaches. Also, some of you act as though Meyer doesn't have a say in the matter, and that if he is not the coach next season, then CDC fucked it up. This isn't The Godfather. No one is making an offer to Meyer that he can't refuse. Every hire that CDC has made has been great. If the time is right to replace Herman with someone better, then I have every confidence that CDC will get the job done. Nothing that he has done while he has been here makes me think he is likely to fuck up anything.
  5. "Short" is spelled "S-H-O-R-T," not "S-T-R-U-G-G-L-E."
  6. Agreed, which is obviously the biggest hurdle to getting politicians behind any meaningful solution.
  7. Avatar checks out? For the record, I am 100% in favor of the obesity epidemic being discussed at all levels of the political spectrum, and it absolutely needs more media coverage. It is a very serious and expensive problem. This opinion piece primarily evaluates the Democratic candidates on this issue during last years campaigns, but the problem is with both sides. Fat shaming and scare tactics will work on a small percentage of people, but understanding the root causes and implementing real solutions goes way beyond "get your fat ass off the couch and eat more salad." That is the same as telling a drug addict or smoker to just stop, or a depressed person to "be happy." If you feel strongly enough about it to bring it up here, do something useful, and write to your congressperson or news station.
  8. Yes, you fucked up. You are not wrong that this is a message board where ideas can be shared and discussed. When you actually have an idea instead of a giant steaming pile of thinly veiled whining ill-conceived agenda-driven fat shaming COVID finger pointing nonsense, feel free to post it here.
  9. Got it. You think that the data that pertain to obese people who catch COVID are so overwhelming that they are going to be the catalyst that leads to actual behavioral change, and that all that is needed is for the message to get out there. If I were one of these fat fucks, my first thought would likely be, "oh shit, I better not catch COVID, why are people not being more careful to stop it from spreading" rather than "hmmm, I probably shouldn't have that 7th doughnut, just in case." I could be wrong, though, and as far as I'm concerned, it is never the wrong time to educate people on ways to improve their health. So what is your plan for getting the message out there, or did you think ranting about it here would get it done?
  10. Yes, decades ago. You think older obese people just recently adopted the behaviors that contributed to them becoming that way? And who said do nothing? If you can get tens of millions of men, women, and children to change their lifestyles, then do it. Being fat is bad for you, and makes you more likely to die if you catch COVID, or pretty much any other disease. No one is arguing that. If you are saying that our efforts for fighting COVID should be focused more on battling obesity than avoiding catching it to begin with and improved treatments, then go fuck yourself. Luckily, none of these strategies is mutually exclusive. Do it. Wave your magic wand and make everyone thin and healthy. Seriously, what is your solution to get people who have ignored sound health advice for the majority of their lives to suddenly have it click and effect meaningful change? Let's hear it. Certainly you have something more than "fat people should lose weight," which no one has disputed.
  11. Who thinks obesity is a non-factor? Did you just become aware that poor lifestyle choices can lead to more health issues? The health crisis was here long before COVID, and will be here long after it is gone. I'm all for discussing ways for incentivize Americans to become more healthy for many reasons, including making the next pandemic less likely or severe, but acting like the problem is only related to COVID, or that COVID should serve as some sort of wakeup call is again ignoring the bigger problem. The time to do something to address the COVID mortality rate in your specified demographic was decades ago.
  12. Are you saying there is still time for many of them to lose enough weight before this thing is over to reduce their chances of dying from it or are you going to transport them in your time machine to last February so they can get started soon enough to make a difference? Sure, starting a weight loss program right now might help some unfortunate fat bastard who contracts COVID next March, but at this point, the impact to your premise is not going to be significant to anyone other than said fat bastard. I don't think there is anyone who would argue that there is no benefit for morbidly obese people to lose weight. What many of us are trying to understand is why you are attempting to specifically tie this crisis to COVID. Morbidly obese people have a higher risk of mortality for any number of ailments. That tree is blocking your view of the forest.
  13. So let me get this straight. You don't want to discuss addressing the issue in children because they they won't be in the "certain demographic" in time to be relevant to the current COVID pandemic, yet you believe that those who are currently in this higher risk group can make enough lifestyle changes to impact their susceptibility to a meaningful extent? Brilliant.
  14. Yep. That won't stop a large segment of the fanbase from blaming CDC if Urban doesn't take the job.
  15. I agree that the Beards are the favorites, but not by much. The NFLers would already be gone if not for the alliance. If they win, I would be very disappointed.
  16. While I completely agree with you, I am compelled to counter with the challenge to show me one fan site for any sports team that isn't full of assholes who think they would do a better job as AD, HC, OC, DC, or even AC/DC.
  17. I wish they would tell us how far behind the last team to arrive was. I would like to know whether the yield made any difference. I strongly suspect that it did not, and that Leo and Alana were at least 30 minutes behind Aparna and Eswar, regardless of the production shenanigans that are about as convincing as the notion that Lloyd Christmas might actually end up with Mary Swanson. Pro tip, give us a surprise ending more than once every blue moon. Then maybe we will actually believe that it's close at the finish. Teams that I want to win: Kaylynn and Haley Hung and Chee Teams that I think can win: Hung and Chee Riley and Maddison Will and James Teams I want to see eliminated post haste: Will and James Gary and DeAngelo
  18. I was thinking they could hire a cab to lead them there, but still drive their own vehicle. Is that allowed? I'm on Team Nerd as far as their feud with Will and James goes, but I don't like them as much as I thought I would.
  19. My DVR didn't record last night because it thought it already had last week when CBS changed their mind. Luckily I caught it 15-minutes into the episode. I cannot imagine driving around for hours and hours, trying to find a destination that is 10 minutes away. I think at some point, you have to pay for a cab to lead you there, assuming you have the money for it. At least it allowed the blondies to survive.
  20. Was coming to post the same thing. Nick Frost is the buddy.
  21. If you think this is a new low, you haven't been paying attention.
  22. Fuck 2020. So sad to lose the best in the business.
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