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Posts posted by idigTexas

  1. On 7/13/2019 at 2:53 PM, CooterBrown said:

    Finally watched the last season of Catastrophe. So great and a oddly dark ending right after being given a glimmer of light.

    I can see why someone might assume a dark ending, but I didn't see it that way. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Captain Ron said:

    Not only a letdown, total horseshit.

    I understand for safety they can't let them ride through that section of the course. But moving the end retroactively to a spot that the riders weren't prepared for and in fact was "just a spot" until they stopped the race fundamentally changes how that stage is played out. Alaphalippe was probably willing to cede some time on L'Iseran, knowing he had the descent to make up the time. And that's just one example.


    If they are going to do this, they might as well let all the dopers have their titles back.

    It sucks, but what would you have them do?  No matter what they did, it was going to be unfair for many riders.  Who's to say Bernal wouldn't have gained even more time on Alaphilippe on the final climb?  They have to stop the stage at a spot where they have accurate times.  They have official times at the top of the climb.  They don't have them at random places along the route.   

    The shortened stage tomorrow does seem to benefit Bernal.  If he holds on, he will be the youngest ever winner. 

  3. 2 hours ago, spystud13 said:

    Yeah they did, one of the girls brought a bug net. Maybe Manu or the other one that tapped. 

    I'll trust your memory over mine.  Regardless, it apparently wasn't a necessity, as no one was using it, at least not that they were showing.

  4. The rules have changed over the years.  Sometimes they get two items, sometimes three.  I may have even seen four.  They always get a knife of some sort.  Sometimes they get a fire starter, sometimes a dumbass prefers a fire making kit, sometimes neither.  I've seen a pot to boil water as a chosen item, or as a provided freebie.

    Assuming a knife and fire starter are provided, the choices are usually one of the following:
    pot to boil water
    mosquito net
    fishing net
    fishing kit (line and hooks)
    fishing spear with or without mask

    My choice would depend on the location.  Is there a way to purify water without needing a pot?  How bad are the bugs?  Is fishing likely to be a worthwhile activity, and is it limited to the ocean?  What are the other protein/food options?

    I generally like the thought of a mosquito net which can serve dual purposes, but only if potable water is secured, and only if bugs are really bad.  They did not have one on the last XL, and did not seem to miss it.  It likely would not have helped at all with centipedes and scorpions.   




  5. I tend to hold grudges, so I'm not sure if I would forgive Jeff so easily, but glad he had to rely on others and that he is at least pretending to have had a change of heart.  There were a lot of badasses this season.  All the tappers came from only two teams...the all male redemption team (all tapped), and the all female team (both of Riley's teammates tapped). 

    The reunion previews look contentious, with Jeff and Charlie arguing survival strategies.  While I did not appreciate Jeff's selfishness, until Charlie completes a 40-day challenge, he can shut the fuck up about criticizing how others choose to survive.   

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  6. 38 minutes ago, Captain Ron said:

    I can't really agree that the French are hypocrites about their own riders. They have already raised questions about Alaphilippe. The fact is that in the post-Festina era of the Tour (one that implicated a good number of French riders), every rider in the top 10 has to be suspected of cheating. And the fact is that when you look at it, a ton of them have been guilty. Lance, Ullrich, Basso, Landis, Menchov, Rasmussen, etc (that's just a short list, it could go on a while).

    On just a few notes: I think the Tour itself has only stripped 1 rider of a title - that was Landis for failing an in race test. Lance's were stripped by USADA.

    Who is "they?"  Do you have any links?  Not doubting you; I just want to ready what has been said. 

  7. 18 minutes ago, Mrs Whiggins said:

    That is about the view I have. Are the French media hyprocritices about it? Bien sur!

    It does seem rather unsporting of them to strip LA's titles and leave Ullrich's when both are admitted dopers. The only thing that saved Indurain was the lack of a positive test at that time and that he keeps himself to himself.

    Lance might have gotten away with it if he hadn't been such an arrogant ass, essentially daring his accusers to prove it, and treating several people in the know like shit.  I definitely agree about Ullrich, and pretty much everyone since LeMond.  The sport has always been dirty, which is a shame.  That said, the playing field has been fairly even, unless you consider being a better cheat an unfair advantage. 

  8. My issue with the French is that when riders of other countries are doing well, it is presumed that they must be cheating, while French riders rarely undergo the same scrutiny.  I'm not denying that there has been plenty of fire where smoke has been detected, but I have the opinion that pretty much everyone is cheating in some way. 

    Essentially, the French media has caused me to want nothing but failure for French riders. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, RPM said:

    God no. But I guess if you have a weak ass sequel to a mediocre origin film you're trying to turn into a franchise, a reboot prequel isn't the worst route to take.

    You are being too kind. 

  10. Alaphilippe won Tourmalet last year, so it shouldn't be that big of a shock, even if winning a breakaway is different than defending yellow.  Yesterday was a bigger surprise, even considering his recent TT success in other events.  I enjoy Le Tour more when the French aren't competitive, but I guess that had to end sometime. 

    That was so typical Movistar.  Their TdF strategy has always been suspect, and I can only assume that Quintana doesn't communicate well...or at all.

    Not having Froome certainly hurts, but even if he were there, Ineos does not look as deep this year.  Either that or other teams have learned their secrets.  They look very ordinary.

    I'm pulling for Kruijswijk, but I don't see him being able to make up that time unless Alaphilippe makes a mistake or has some bad luck.




  11. 37 minutes ago, Hook1997 said:

    La Playa has really really good food.  Their beef fajitas are awesome and if you take your fish to get cooked by them get them blackened, some of the best blackened fish I’ve ever had.  Lelo’s is a really good burger, thanks @justhookit  for the recommendation.  

    Glad to hear La Playa is still putting out great food.  It is my personal favorite for PA dining.  I need to get down there.

  12. It appears that I am in the minority, but I liked Brosnan as Bond.  His films were meh, but that is true of almost the entire 007 franchise.  They are good fun, but far from transcendent film watching.  I do agree that Connery will always be tops, and Craig is great.  I hated Dalton and Moore.    

    I love West as Batman, but it is apples and oranges to compare tv roles to film roles (West's 1966 film notwithstanding).  I have yet to see anyone play Batman where I think, "yeah, that's great casting."  Disclaimer:  I have not seen the 1943 nor 1949 films.   

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