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Posts posted by idigTexas

  1. 2 hours ago, Bullneck said:

    I was watching the team event against Wake Forest and at one point only one player had a lead.  Must have been a hell of a comeback.

    Glad you stopped watching.  Can you not watch anything else...ever? 

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  2. 4 minutes ago, JimmyHoffa said:

    Rob is one of the best, well known, hated/loved contestants of all time (top 3 for sure) and Sandra the only person to win twice and one that also is very polarizing. 

    It's another stupid twist by producers to try and get old eyeballs back. Depending on how it goes I can only assume it's going to allow producers to use Rob and Sandra as tools to manipulate the game even more then they have in the last several season with all the fucking idols they give out like candy. 

    If this is the goal, they are doing it wrong.  I will probably skip next season.


  3. 5 hours ago, Lat22 said:

    We’ll see what the fallout from that is from the Survivor faithful. I didn’t like it at all. I think Devins is one the all time great players. 

    Except for the part where he was the fourth person voted out and was on the wrong side of almost every meaningful vote once he returned, yeah he was a tremendous player.  He was certainly entertaining, was good at challenges, and had great hidden idol radar, but his success is entirely due to playing in the right season.  Any other season, he is one of the people at the reunion show who barely gets two seconds of screen time, if that. 

    As I already said, they might as well change the name of the show to Idol Hunters.  I'm not opposed to having idols in the game.  They just way over use them, and make them ridiculously easy to acquire.  They are a crutch for bad Survivor players, not a strategic tool for good ones.  

    Lauren, Lauren, Lauren.   So pretty.  So dumb.  She would not have won anyway, but still.

    Gavin made it to the final 3 without receiving a single vote for elimination and without finding any hidden idols.  He did get one extra vote advantage from Julia, but its use did not change the outcome of a vote.  He was not riding anyone's coattails.  He was not being carried to the end because he wasn't seen as a threat.  He did a masterful job of controlling his own fate.  Based on everything we saw, my vote would have been for him. 

    I have to hand it to Chris.  He did everything he could in the short time he had, but that includes being the third person voted out.  Ironically, that is what won him the game.   

    Seeing how the voting went, with 3 of Gavin's 4 votes coming from the last three people eliminated, is very telling.  None of those three had been bonding with Chris during his 28-day stay on Extinction Island.  This was a vote along tribal lines all the way, with Team Extinct taking care of their own...someone they all got to know and like.  Gavin's only chance would have been to find a hidden advantage of awesome personality, but they don't put those in the game...not yet anyway.

    I have such a love/hate thing with this show.  I want to stop watching it, but I can't.


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  4. 30 minutes ago, wild_turkey said:

    Team Fun annoys me. From what I remember of their last time on, Becca is all cheery until things don't go her way and then she becomes very pouty. She seems pretty fake to me.


  5. 9 hours ago, Go Pokes said:

    I wouldn’t call Rachel and her sister that. There are a lot of names that fit them, but that one should be reserved for Corinne & Eliza.

    You don't have to call them that, but I'm going to call any team that messes with Team Fun whatever I want. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Murfdogg21 said:

    Who will Mack call to bail him out next time?

    Greg Robinson is quietly enjoying retirement, waiting for the call. 

    RIP, Coach Tomey

  7. 21 hours ago, Jograves said:

    Why not both taco girl?

    Arsenal fan, so not voting, but this is the correct answer.  I cannot think of a scenario where these occurrences would ever be mutually exclusive, so forcing yourself to choose one over the other, even hypothetically is wasted emotion. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Longhornfan1024 said:

    What's the story behind this?  I'm not aware of the politics.  

    Azerbaijan doesn't like the Irish, Dutch of a certain color, or Armenians.

  9. To be clear, I absolutely feel that Devens has done enough to win under the rules that were put in place this season.  I just really don't like the twist and would prefer someone win who has not been voted out.  I know most (all?) of you don't share that point of view, and I doubt anyone on the jury does either, but if I'm sitting next to him in final tribal, I'm reminding everyone of that over and over and over.   

  10. Many of those blindsides that Devens has been on the wrong side of were engineered by Gavin.  I made this point weeks ago that Gavin's biggest problem is his personality.  In short, he isn't Devens.  That does not mean that he has not been playing and making things happen.  He's simply not as flashy or entertaining when doing so, which makes him less camera and fan firendly. 

    The production staff have done a great job this season of selling Devens, as evidenced by most of you buying it. 

    I find myself more in an "anyone but Devens" camp than cheering for a particular survivor at this point.  I fully expect to be disappointed with the outcome, but at least all of you assholes will be happy.


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  11. 27 minutes ago, HRSchenker said:

    I honestly don't see the purpose of the edge of extinction being in play so late in the game. Do we really expect the winner to be someone who spent several days out of the game (I almost said weeks but I forgot this game happens over the course of 30-40 days) but came back towards the end? Maybe I'm too much of an old school survivor fan but that would kill my viewing experience.

    I want either Devens or Lauren to win. Devens for the gameplay, Lauren for that ass.

    I completely agree regarding the extinction part.   I was pulling for Aurora.  Now I don't know who I want to win.  I guess Gavin, but I find myself not caring due to how much manipulation of the game happens these days.


  12. 18 minutes ago, JimmyHoffa said:

    Agreed, similar to Top Chef and how they have last chance kitchen. You have to keep winning every "week" to continue to have a chance to get back in the game.

    I tolerate the Top Chef model because the players are eliminated via somewhat subjective criteria, but it still bothers me that some chefs can still be Top Chef after being the worst chef in a given week, and others do not get a second chance.  

  13. 18 minutes ago, JimmyHoffa said:

    At this point I think it's Devens, Lauren, and Gavin that make the final 3

    I don't see that happening.  Neither Devens nor Gavin is going to take the other to final 3, and Lauren should be smart enough to not take both of them.  I suppose it could happen if the final 4 is those three and Ron, but that is unlikely.  I think Julie is a lock for the final 3.  I think either Devens or Gavin will be there and will be the eventual winner.  The third person is a crap shoot, depending on how immunity challenges, idols, and random production shenanigans shake out. 

  14. 7 hours ago, Go Pokes said:


    Who’s the poster who isn’t team Devins just because he earned his way back into the game? Show yourself! And explain yourself too. I don’t get it.

    That would be me.  Regardless of how entertaining he is, or how good his game play has been since his return, the fact remains that Devens has already been voted out.  In any other season, he would have been done.  He clearly is working harder than the others, and he is certainly enjoying himself, so good for him.  It is obvious that the production team wants him to win, so I fully expect it to happen.  That doesn't mean I have to like it. 

    I recognize that the game has had to evolve to keep an audience, but in most cases, I've never been a fan of allowing eliminated contestants a chance to return.  You lost already, get the fuck out.

    My main problem with the returning loser format is that it is unfair to those who get eliminated late, and thus don't get a second chance.  Devens and the survivor returning next week have to be eliminated twice, wile the people who get voted out after that only get one shot.  How is that fair?

    It's like having a double elimination tournament, where the winner and the loser both end up with one loss, because television decided the "if necessary" game wasn't necessary.  Any Longhorn baseball fans in the house? 

    Also, I was enjoying the sparseness of idols this season, but that seems to have ended.  They should just go ahead and change the name of the show to "Idol Hunters." 



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