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joe dirt

Certifiably Surly
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About joe dirt

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  1. other players are definitely assholes. i just hang out by myself in a solo lobby most of the time. don’t have to worry about dipshits that way.
  2. i recently decided to come back to rdr2 to platinum it, which led me to get back online. it’s better than i remember. i’m currently collecting all the legendary animals garment sets. also need to level up bounty hunter. i got all the other roles maxed, but for whatever reason i just can’t seem to finish bounty hunter.
  3. but does he speak english?
  4. yep i subscribe for champions league and serie a
  5. yep
  6. screenshot bc fuckin yarn
  7. here it is again, same post, same twatter.
  8. not 100% but it’s been a minute. since before july for sure. i forget who, but someone else mentioned it in the say it to my face thread in CR not too long ago. for me this is not limited to CR posts
  9. clearly i’ll never be able use swipe left or use the back button in ios safari anymore. but i’ve been seeing some embedded tweets show up in truncated little boxes, while others embed as normal. happening to anyone else? is this also an ios issue? gahhhh
  10. anotheronedjkhaled.gif fucking lol at the sex offender map.
  11. any of the surly law conglomerate working on this type of case? our builder is also trying to be proactive but is not a national brand like cody and i’m sure does not have cody’s resources.
  12. got cracks thru my travertine decking as well. pretty sure it’s not coincidental.
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