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Surly Bevo

Certifiably Surly
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Surly Bevo last won the day on December 31 2024

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  1. They're gonna hot insert some shit to see if it works on the bet if it does there's a lot of money to be made in it and if it doesn't everybody will forget it. After all who really remembers a few hundred people dying in a plane crash, or the aviation system being brought to its knees and hundreds of thousands of travelers having days ruined when they can't get anywhere they are trying to go? They watched Texas re-elect the same government that oversaw the 2021 grid shitshow so they're probably not wrong.
  2. I don't know how you do it but at some point, you gotta get out of the race, religion, whatever arguments and get down to class. You have to convince the white family in suburbia making 300K a year that they are a LOT closer to the Hispanic family living in the inner city getting by on 45K a year than they are to any of these people raking in millions and billions annually. It's simple math but for some reason, it's not a message that lands.
  3. Maybe when we annex Canada those guys from Liberte de Quebec that Hans got freed can fight with The Proud Boys.
  4. The reason you know it is fishy is it doesn't take any basketball acumen AT all not to do what Nico did. You could take some dude who has spent a couple of years working in the basement of a procurement department at Bumfuck Corporation of America and he would know that if you have something of value you put it out there to multiple parties to see what the best offer you can get from the market looks like. Even if you really like what Bumfuck Vendor of America has in terms of a product/service to offer you don't blindly enter exclusive negotiations with them.
  5. Colonizing Mars is a grift. Exploring Mars is something we should be doing. Colonizing no. To have the power to deal with all the shit you just described and sustain life 140 million miles from the home planet means you have the power to fix the issues on the still currently thousands of times more hospitable home planet. The issue is we as a society would expect actual results for our "fix the earth" money. You can run the Mars colonizing grift for a much longer time, falling back on the "it's really really hard" excuse when you produce no results but have moved billions/trillions of dollars into your pocket.
  6. Lotta rules for a damn short sale. And what market is this where somebody is upside down enough to be doing a short sale? Those are exceedingly rare these days.
  7. My only hope is Luka stays out of shape, pisses off the Lakers, they piss him off he leaves the team to go be on Love Island, gets sent off and comes back to Dallas after meeting Jason Kidd in a bar over a beer. I call it the Jamie Tartt plan
  8. Spunt interviewing Fake Jason Kidd this week needs to be a thing
  9. He would be the most likely candidate, given his recent history, which includes some clashes with Luka. That said, that piece would be so much easier to write if the Mavs had gotten something more substantial in return. In this case, it's gonna have to be full John Gotti style middle of the street assassination type stuff. Like "we have learned that Mavericks leadership were concerned with reports that Luka Doncic strangled puppies to death with his bare hands in his spare time" bad
  10. One of the hardest things in the world to do is to use words and logic to get somebody to admit they have been duped. Why this thread needs to stay pretty active.
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