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Surly Bevo

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Surly Bevo

  1. The Dodgers might actually finally do the smart thing and fire that spare they have on the bench.
  2. If I was moving somewhere for 6-12 months, sure I wouldn't mind furnishing it, but if it was a 1, 2 even 3 month kind of thing....fuck moving shit for that short of a stay. It probably depends on how flexible you want to be and how you position the LTR minimum. And yea, take down the sex swing for sure.
  3. Man that guy ended up being a huge gaping pussy.
  4. The sheer amount of energy the government would have to be able to easily (and somehow secretly) generate to create and control a storm the size and strength of Milton would boggle their fucking pea brains (never mind how you actually apply that energy to control the weather isn't exactly some well-honed science)
  5. Not if you did a bunch of bath salts and then shot yourself in the face. And let's be real, we ARE talking about Florida Man here
  6. LOL, The Draft. Something that hasn't been employed since before anybody younger than 52 was alive.
  7. " and yeh though as i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no faggots from OU" RIP
  8. We've built a lot of shit and added a lot more people to this country in the past 55 years.
  9. But we were all trying to confuse the Sooner....way to go jackass.
  10. It's 4.5 hours before the kickoff, unlike the 3 hours before they get with an 11am kick when they open at 8am. I park on a nice lawn south of Fitzgerald and I'm sure those gentlemen will take your money earlier than 9am if you want to give it to them.
  11. 2017 was the last 2:30 game. Lots at 9. Fair at 10 that year.
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