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Everything posted by theaveragejon

  1. Yup. I’d imagine dealing with hot wheels and mummy lesbian Dan Patrick has caused him to hit his limit.
  2. How in the ever loving fuck did this team beat Alabama? Helobious would still be cracking off twenty somethings
  3. Ben Bell wrecks shit on my Texas state ncaa 25 dynasty. Horns should offer immediately. $9.95 please.
  4. I absolutely am so glad I reserved my season tickets to get to go this. We absolutely need to destroy Mr. Jesus name image and likeness.
  5. Kirby smart is 1A to Dabo’s 1B of slimy no talent ass fucking pussies. The only response is to beat him into a pulp every time from now on until he fakes a coronary and retires.
  6. Called it. Shit calling too. Georgia is selling out to stop the run. We’re gonna have to pass out of this.
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