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Everything posted by theaveragejon

  1. Hopefully this Katy area kid is a beast. Hook em and lets gooooo!! Welcome Mr. David
  2. Came here to post the same thing. Saw it on 610 and 45 north. Wtf?! Will try to get pics.
  3. He’s a typical aggy mouth breather. The meltdown will be amazing.
  4. In typical Looch fashion he spends more time and thought about the UT question than any other. It must really suck to be him.
  5. I still don't see what's so hard to just add 3000 extra seats.
  6. True. But for what it is worth A'shawn was listed as an OT. https://247sports.com/Season/2013-Football/CompositeRecruitRankings/?InstitutionGroup=HighSchool&State=TX Op probably should have noted that or dropped him from the rankings because he never touched that position in HS. Edit: oops disregard.
  7. Holy shit. They are so screwed. I can’t believe that Hines is still second string. I remember he was the savior of that particular class. i thought Myles jones would be good. Oops. Lol at Renfro starting. Honeslty, how the fuck is Moton still on the team? And Elam? Wow he sucks ass. So glad we got Boyd, Hill, and Davis. They are so screwed. Also; how and why is Jimbo keeping these transfers so much on the downlow? Marchiol and Bussey and not so much as a peep? Fishy.
  8. Someone who gets to keep up with this a lot ore than I do now, take me to school. Is the overall in state crop not as good as last year? I know last year was a banner year in state for DBs and we essentially cleaned swept that. I know this year it’s looking like a banner year for WR. The only miss there I see is Wilson. Huge bummer there. But last year again we did extremely well. Right now I feel like the only bummers that we’ve missed on are Wilson and Leal. The only concern I see right now for the moment is the lack of decent in state LBs last year and this year.
  9. Do we have a Tom Herman curse meme yet?
  10. Who's left on our board for WR? Higgins and Wright? Who do we look better for?
  11. HOLY shit. No CBs coach O. That’s late era Mack Brown level of incompetence.
  12. Not that I really care. But wasn’t he recently bumped up to a 4* from 3*? Or am I misremembering?
  13. Congrats to Drew. After a two year stint at Princeton. Good buddy of mine. Awesome to see Longhorns doing big things. http://www.virginiasports.com/sports/c-swim/spec-rel/062618aaa.html
  14. Here’s my hoes (no pics dillholes) 411 on Peter. Peter has been in her homeroom class since he was a freshman. Peter is a smart kid, works hard, his dad lives and works in Africa. His mom commutes back and forth from Africa to work as well. He gets good grades and goes to school to be able to play ball. Texas has been his dream offer. Obviously. Peter has been one of her favorite kids she’s taught. My favorite thing about Peter is finally getting a kid from that area of Houston. Fucking greatwood is another fucking aggy suburb with 100 thousand millionaires. That think that they made it with a 2,700 square foot two story house, and they act like they can push around the HS athletic and admin departments. Lastly. You pronounce his last name “Pa-gee” The M is silent. At least that’s how she’s always said it.
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