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Everything posted by texasjacket

  1. Ugh. Did someone say bourbon? Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
  2. And we have no other game to watch. Boo. Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
  3. Good lord Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
  4. Shit. Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
  5. Can't even screen right Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
  6. O line play still lacking and going to get Watson killed Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
  7. Watch for the onside kick Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
  8. Geez. Can't catch a break Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
  9. I hate a thief/burglar/any dumb ass that decides he/she/it thinks it is entitle to take something from someone else. I wish there was a more severe penalty for this shit. I had my CC stolen through a online breech. Even had the address where they thieves had their stuff shipped since it was my email address still link on the online account, I would get shipping notifications complete with everything but a name. No one care enough to check it out. I make the report to the CC company. They remove charges and then CC company just writes off the fraudulent charges as good will. I even told their Fraud Department i could provide them the address of the person making these fraud charges and they didn't want it. This behavior could be changed but it would take the CC companies actually giving two fucks to look into these fraud cases first.
  10. Damn it. Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
  11. Wow. Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
  12. Big stop here Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
  13. Not good. Needed points Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
  14. Got to score seven there Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
  15. Without the trick Sent from my SM-T380 using Tapatalk
  16. Come on Clemson.
  17. How does one even physically do that?
  18. Brilliant!
  19. It is called load shedding. There is a simple calculation you can even you do yourself to size the generator. Here is a random one from google below. Basically, if you select a few key items, i.e. ac, fridge, freezer to be powered at all time by the generator, you can drastically reduce the generator size still meet code. http://www.powerzone.com.pk/load-calculator.php Here are couple of other companies to check out and get quotes from. I would recommend at least a couple quotes. I like the Kohler brand over the more popular Generac. Also, don't worry about the service plan pitch. Most will offer 1-2 years free, but after that, you can probably fine a better service plan deal from another authorized vendor in the city after you free service plan runs out. https://www.standbypowerhouston.com/ https://www.qualitygenerators.net/ http://www.generatorsupercenter.com/
  20. texasjacket

    Wong Ho

    Just now noticed the front hole, wow
  21. This right here.
  22. Please tell me one has an brother named Walker?
  23. 60% of the time, statistics are right every time
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