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Everything posted by texasjacket

  1. I was thinking in the other direction...135.00
  2. I just hit dingers, no need to be sliding and running. The only thing i worry about is proper bat flips...
  3. Sounds like it is time to move back to the city
  4. gonna need another shot of those rats
  5. WTF? Blogger? That is still a thing?
  6. Maybe he misplaced that decimal point?
  7. I think that tan sedan needs a pair of truck nuts to further complete this story.
  8. Has anyone gone with a projector over tv?
  9. The sad part is that there a large group of people who will believe this
  10. wow...csb
  11. Agreed, it is quite addicting too. Although, it is annoying of how you are interact with the main bosses so randomly.
  12. Does OP have to work in the office all the time? You should negotiate some flex office times, where you just stay home on certain days or alter your office times so you are missing the heaviest traffic times. This was a game changer for several people I know.
  13. What package did you go with? I have had Latriats for along time but the price point on a Tundra is making me pump my brakes on another F150
  14. Hopefully, Colorado will follow Texas' lead on this as well. CO has it own version of WTF liquor laws and selling restrictions.
  15. Which Duluth style did you go with?
  16. I like the Hanes X temps ones. I bought them a year ago when I forgot to pack properly. They perform for me at least just as well as my '1%' brands.
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