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  1. When someone gets gas on the wrong side at Costco.
  2. Yeah, the old man was the crazy bat.
  3. File this one under obituaries that aren't as hard to read as others: Jean-Marie Le Pen. https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20250107-🔴-french-far-right-figurehead-jean-marie-le-pen-dies-at-age-96
  4. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals.
  5. John Cooper.
  6. How many times in the last week has trading been halted on this bucket of shit?
  7. Monte Cristo sandwich talk not going away
  8. Did my part in Minnesota to send that fat orange fuck packing. Eat shit and fuck off!
  9. One question I've asked as a retort to this is "What part of the background check are you going to fail?"
  10. A ton of them live in Florida and could bury Rick Scott.
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